View Full Version : i really need a break from anxiety

26-04-10, 11:24
Just posting for some reassurance really, I feel ill every single day. I am constantly tired, suffer lightheadedness alot, and have very dizzy spells where I cant even walk and feel very close to passing out, which scares the life out of me. I always have a headache, some days its just in the back ground other days its really severe and i have to go to bed. Does anyone else feel ill everyday, cause i am really getting scared now. I went to the doctor again last week he said that my ears are irritated and red also have fluid behind one ear drum. I am not on any meds as yet but going to be starting cipralex as i just cant cope with feeling like this all the time, I have lost all interest in everything as I am so tired all the time, i have had my blood done and I am not anemic, so doctor says all my symptoms are anxiety related, but surely i should have some break from these horrible feeling.
if anyone can give any words of reassurance they would be greatly appreciated.

26-04-10, 11:25
just wanted to add that my breathing has been funny for a while to now, sometimes i dont feel i have the breath to talk.

26-04-10, 13:15
Hi Ann,
I just wanted to respond and say that I can understand how fed up you are. Do your symptoms get worse when you are feeling anxious? I can't imagine anxiety would make your ears irritated, or have fluid behind them(correct me if I'm wrong anyone). Has he given you a proper diagnosis for what the problem is?

26-04-10, 20:38
The Doctor said all my symptoms are anxiety, exept for the inflamtion in my ears which has made my dizziness a lot worse than it is already. I just really wanted some reassurance that anxiety can make you feel Ill every day, I always feel anxious I'm trying to recover from agraphobia.
Thank you for your reply

27-04-10, 11:07
I also felt ill every day it is awful but it does get better, I've just gone a whole month with just slight anxiety without the feeling ill bit, although I'm not having the best of weeks (but I think thats me coming off my meds) I now know I won't feel like it forever, You will hopefully start having more good days than bad

27-04-10, 13:55
I know exactly how you feel, it will ease up. I say this while I'm having a pretty tough time of it myself! Has your Dr suggested any medication? Anxiety can cause so many horrible side effects, I found it hard to believe and still do that so many things can be caused from anxiety! It runs you down aswell which I think makes you more likely to suffer from other things! It's a nightmare but things will pick up, I'm sure of it! I know it's easier said than done but try you hardest to stay positive and smile!

Good Luck with everything xx

27-04-10, 14:14
As jellylegs said, it is unbelievable the effect that anxiety can have on your body. I have had aches and pains in my upper body constantly for a long time-when it first started I thought I had been doing ok but looking back I can see that my anxiety had been creeping up on me for a while and things must have come to a head (literally). I hope the cipralex helps, it may also help to try and resolve the issues which led to your anxiety in the first place. All the best x