View Full Version : Struggling today

26-04-10, 13:53
didnt sleep again last night, had the horrid floaty thing we were only talking about yesterday, but could NOT get off to sleep. Double dose of rescue remedy and 2 lots of milk would not work. I was not working today but it didnt stop me panicking about not sleeping which of course makes it worse and now today I feel panicky and am worrying about tonight ! I am so sick of everything right now :(

26-04-10, 18:35
Hi OP,

I am sorry to hear you are not sleeping well.

When I was younger I would hardly sleep at all, I would stay awake for 5 nights in a row, it got so when I was about 12 I used to sleep walk when I did get to sleep, it was very scary.

The only things I have found is to try to keep to a pattern, always go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time, never try to catch up with sleep during the day or you will not be able to sleep at night.

One reason we can't sleep is we fear we won't be able to. Not sleeping might make you feel carp but it will not kill you. Your body will not let you go without sleep for long, it will make you sleep.

The other thing to remember is we don't need that much sleep. For many years I never slept for more than 4 hours a night but never felt tired, I felt fine, it is all about quality, my point is try to stop worrying about not sleeping and sleep will come on it's own,
