View Full Version : early period

26-04-10, 14:35
hi i posted a thread about spotting for about 10 days after i finished my period well my next period arrived on day 35 but i put that down to spotting so long after my period and the dr says it was wonky hormones but this month ive come on on day 19 which is a shock because my cycles are usually around 27 days im nearly 44 do you agree with the dr that it is my hormones ive also had a very stressful few months thanks

Onwards & Upwards
26-04-10, 18:39
Hey bronte

It's so awful when they get messed up isn't it cos it feels like such an obvious sign that there's something wrong, but the balance of our hormones is very delicate and stress can of course upset that balance, it happened to me last month, my period took 8 weeks to arrive, it was horrible, I just felt that my body was completely screwed up cause things weren't regular.

Don't worry about it and you've done the best thing possible-got your doctor onto it.

Plus the fact that you have to wait about a month for each one drags the whole process out, waiting to see if your cycle goes back to normal etc.

The best thing you can do is keep an eye on it and like I said, your doctor knows about it!:)

26-04-10, 18:44
thanks i had an issue last year with my periods and had every test going they said it was hormones then ive been ok for about 8 month now this as anyone else had thier period so early thanks

26-04-10, 21:55
Bet you are perimenopausal - I was your age when I started with totaly freaky periods- late ones- nothing for months then bleeding for months then back to normal for maybe 6 months then off again. I too had all the horrible tests twice over and everytime all well told it was my hormones and perimeno.
I am now 48 yrs old and still on the rollercoaster - things have improved hugely since I started natural progesterone cream as the consultant said I was oestragen dominent an not producing any progesterone but I didnt' want to have the mirena coil fitted so instead went privately to a dr who specialised in natural prog cream and touch wood things are better last 7 months although I still can have a cycle thats anything from 2 weeks to 10 weeks!

26-04-10, 21:59
coutrygirl - I think you are right! I am 42 and my periods are all over the place...didn't have one Feb & March....got one on April 13th...and then got it again this last Sunday (the 25th)...so don't worry...it is totally normal for our age! Unfortunealy this can last for a while - if it really bugs you there are some things we can take to help regulate our systems. It is hormones and yes they can do wacky things to our systems!

26-04-10, 23:57
I'm 26 and mine tend to bounce around all over the place.. some months I'm like clock work.. the following I'm 3-4 weeks late.

I'm pretty sure it's a stress/anxiety/just being a female thing lol

27-04-10, 09:42
Mine go all over the place especially if I am anxious.


27-04-10, 09:53
thankyou all for your replies it helps alot thanks again