View Full Version : Slowly Becoming Ill !

26-04-10, 15:12

Today and This morning ive started to become ill, and its one of my most feared things. I hate being ill (who dont) but im super scared because i hate losing control of my body and everytime i become ill and vomitting is involved i choke on my vomit alot when im asleep or going to sleep, it comes up into my throat and i hate it. Also before i get ill and my body is coming down with it, i cant walk properly and when i stand up the rooms lifts, spins, bends, tilts etc. So it has a huge effect on me, whilst other people can take it and dont understand. So im really frightened and i hope it doesnt get any worse than it is now. Ive only been sick once and this was this morning. I feel exremly tired but i dont want to sleep.

Anyone know have a i can make a fast recovery? x :weep:


26-04-10, 17:42
I'm really sorry you feel so crap:hugs:

I ahve no solutions for a speedy recovery but wanted to let you know your not alone with the vomiting thing - arrghh I hate it.

I hope you are feeling a little bit better


26-04-10, 17:50
Hi Ruby I'm sorry that you are feeling poorly. If you are still vomiting then it might be an idea to give your surgery a call? If you can get someone to slightly elevate your pilllows for you you wont choke on your own vomit. Have a bowl nearby so you dont have to rush to the toliet. I expect that you have some sort of tummy bug? If you can sip some lemonade very very small sips or you'll bring it up again. When you can keep the lemonade down try some dry toast. Try to relax listen to some soothing music. Hopefullly this will pass. If there is someone who can do these things for you so much the better.

27-04-10, 09:57
I know there is a medication to stop you from throwing up. I was prescribed it a few years ago as I had to take a medication which could make me vomit but it was important that I kept it down.
I never had to use the "anti-gag" med so I ended up binning it after a while and I can't remember the name of it, but I am sure your doctor would know about it.
Perhaps it could help in the short term?
Best of luck,