View Full Version : Fear of Lung Cancer

26-04-10, 15:47
55 yr old male, smoker for too many years to count, very anxious lately, smoking even more, had tightness / blockage type sensations in centre of chest, doc prescribed Zantac, checked out my chest and back told me lungs were clear, but went for precautionary x-ray, docs tell me nothing on it,, still getting prickly type sensations in upper chest on R H side, not coughing, not out of breath, no wheezw, could it be anxiety / muscle related .!

thanks Bruce xx

26-04-10, 17:30
Sounds anxeity related to me especially as you have had a clear x-ray.

Hope this has offered you a bit of reassurance


27-04-10, 16:57
Thanks L,
Been back to Doctors who now tell me i have a slight chest infection showing up on x ray, prescribed antibiotics and new chest x ray in two weeks, also got some antidepressants and Diazepam to try to alleviate the worry, still not convinced its not Lung Cancer !! or am i just a born worrier !

Bruce x

27-04-10, 17:34
I think your fine, if your anything like me then when you are waiting for tests on something you convince yourself you have it.

I think its just your chest infection and anxiety causing your troubles and the only reason there is a follow up x ray is to check the infection has cleared.:hugs:


27-04-10, 17:34
If your doctor had any worry at all he would have referred you to a physician and they'd have arranged a scan. It sounds like it is a mixture of chest infection and anxiety. Anxiety can make your chest feel tight and uncomfortable. Hope you feel better soon.
Myra x:hugs:

Cell block H fan
27-04-10, 18:54
Those chest x rays are pretty tip top Takinthep.
Chest infection would produce those symptoms too. It's good you're getting checked out though, that's a bonus! Sounds like everything is up to snuff though!
The dreaded weed sure does worry you but.

28-04-10, 01:35
I did smoke for many years, and get wheezy sometimes. Its worse in this weather when the pollen is high.

The prickly sensations are more anxiety based, although you may have some phlegm as a smoker which clears every now and then.

If your x-rays are clear then you can pretty much know you are fine.

I gave up smoking on 13th December...it was tough but, if I can do it, anyone can

12-05-10, 13:47
Still waiting for results of 2nd x ray. still getting all sorts of weird pain, chest, shoulder joint, between shoulder blades, relieved when i lie flat on the floor, still worried its something major

12-05-10, 16:10
I am sure that you are okay as something would have shown in the 1st X ray. I would have concerns if you were bringing up any blood stained phlegm, get out of breath even whilst resting, lost alot of weight without trying too and had clubbing of the fingers and nails. Let us know how you get on.

13-05-10, 14:22
Just had results back this afternoon, all lungs , chest etc clear, , still anxious though !!

13-05-10, 14:37
Good news for you that all is clear.

17-05-10, 09:34
How you getting on?