View Full Version : Can't take anymore :(

26-04-10, 16:21

I had breast pain for a while and a lumpy bit in breast and have been referred to a breast clinic but I just can't take the waiting. I have a disabled 5 yr old son who I cant concentrate on because of this, I cry all the time and can barely function. I want to go private but my other half is getting cross with me because we cant really afford it and he thinks I can wait.

I have had enough. I don't want to be me right now.:weep:


26-04-10, 16:50
Mogwog, I would go to your nearest A&E or walk in centre and lay it on to them. I know someone that got an ECG done straight away instead of having to wait. Good luck and try, as hard as it maybe, to stay calm.

26-04-10, 17:01
the waitng part is hard ,, it might be a cyst ,nothig bad ,, try to keep busy to take your mind off it if you can or like pc call in at a'e,,we are stronger than we think be strong

26-04-10, 17:11

The NHS have a policy to refer anyone with any kind of breast lump to be seen at a clinic within 2 weeks. If you have been waiting longer than this, you have every right to complain.

I was referrred in January this year, got the appointment through the post within 5 days and was seen 3 days later.

Let me know how you get on. x

26-04-10, 17:17
Thanks for your replies although I think if I wentto A&E they would probably refer me to the breast clinic.

Jo - I went to the docs last Mon, and then had a phonecall on the Thurs saying he hadn't sent off my referal yet as he needed to put my current weight on it:shrug: I was abit peed off actually just wanted it sent as soon as possible. I hope i'm lucky and something comes in the post tomorrow for this week.

Just don't understand how people keep it together waiting for appts and tests results for these sorts of things


26-04-10, 17:29
I think it is common place for all those suffering with HA that we expect the worst all the time. When I had my colonoscopy done a colleague of mine had one 2 days before. Mine was private and completed in 5 days, hers was NHS and she waited 3 weeks. During this period she remained positive and showed no worry e4ven though she was in agonising pain, had lost weight and kept fainting, whereas I was writing my will out and thinking the worst and convinced it had spread all over my body. I was waking at 3 - 4 every morning, had the runs about 4 times a day and stabbing stomach pains. My stomach was making all sorts of noises and I could hardly eat. I was convinved I had bowel Cancer. After that the procedure was carried out, my bowel habits returned to normal and i am no longer waking in the early hours. Fortunately of the 2 of us, both were clear, though it just goes to show how powerful the mind can be when we worry.

26-04-10, 17:30
I would imagine they only hold it together for public viewing. Soon as theyre behind closed doors it probably becomes too much.
Youre suffering more because youve got anxiety problems. We tend to blow everything up into a massive issue when its really not. So something like this youre bound to be off the deep end with your emotions.
Ring up bupa or another private clinic and find out their prices jsut to have the scan/tests done. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you have to pay £ to help yourself feel better then do it.

26-04-10, 17:56
Hi MogWog,

Just becuae your doctor has referred you is no indication that there is any problem at all. My wife found a lump once, went to the doctor who sent to the breast oncology pdq but only becuase he couldn't diagnose in the surgery. It turned out just to be a small cyst dealt with there and then. Mind you it could have been more interesting since the breast oncology consultant, one Mr Benson, had been at the same school as I had and I had few stories to tell:)! Sadly only the nurses were around, still they enjoyed the stories. More concerning was the fact that it cost me a days pay and the wife insisted on a 'darn good lunch in Cambridge afterwards - to celebrate :blush:.

I would advise against going to A&E they're unlikely to help you immediately, and you could be taking up a slot for a case known to be serious. Likewise with BUPA they're not going to see you immediately, and if there is nothing wrong then you find in future that if you do take private cover out they would refuse to cover you for cancer care in the future. You may be better talking to someone about your worries Macmillan Nurses have a community site at http://community.macmillan.org.uk/whatsnew/default.aspx including a forum so you might find help there.

Take care, and demand a good lunch afterwards!

26-04-10, 17:57
Also I can't stop Googling:blush: - Oh how I HATE google.x

26-04-10, 17:59
its hard not to. Last time I did it, I was told I was possibly having a heart attack.... I wasnt.
So I try my hardest not to look up stuff. Even if i Reeeeeaaaaaally want to check lol

26-04-10, 18:01
Notice that I and O are next to each on the keyboard. This is done deliberately so that a Google can change to a Giiggle with minimal effort.:yahoo:

26-04-10, 18:01
Hi Oneofus

Thanks for your reply and to everyone else.

I am definately not going to a&e as like you said they will just refer me to the breast clinic.

I'm glad your wifes lump was okay. I know I should just try and wait it out.

Damn Health Anxiety always gets the better of me.


26-04-10, 18:03
Oh no it doesn't! My wife's lump was fine, but she says the other one (me!) can't be removed so easily.

26-04-10, 18:09

27-04-10, 00:27
Thanks for your replies although I think if I wentto A&E they would probably refer me to the breast clinic.

Jo - I went to the docs last Mon, and then had a phonecall on the Thurs saying he hadn't sent off my referal yet as he needed to put my current weight on it:shrug: I was abit peed off actually just wanted it sent as soon as possible. I hope i'm lucky and something comes in the post tomorrow for this week.

Just don't understand how people keep it together waiting for appts and tests results for these sorts of things


That's terrible.:ohmy: When I had a lump I saw my doctor on Friday evening and the following Monday I got a phone call from the breast clinic for the following Monday, I was shocked it was so quick. Fortunately it was only a cyst which the doctor thought it was too. They never even asked what I weighed.:huh: I would definitely complain and ask for an earlier appointment, you shouldn't have to go private.:mad:

27-04-10, 13:39
Oh it gets worse:mad:

I just phoned up the breast clinic to see if they have received my referal and spoke to a very nice lady who said they hadn't and that since I had my appt with my Dr last Mon it was abit of a long time for me to be waiting , but to ring my GP and ask them to fax it through, which I have just done but the lady at my Drs who deals with referals isnt in today and can I ring back tomorrow? :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep:
