View Full Version : CHICKENS!!!!!!!!

26-04-10, 16:33
Hiya everyone,this may sound strange but we are thinking of getting 3 hen's as pet's with the bonus of getting some egg's.Im totally stressing over it,and very anxious.:ohmy:

I have never kept them before but have alway's wanted to.Iv read up on them ect,but really concerned about illness's they can get ect.:ohmy:

I have kept rabbit's for many year's and that was ok,have no problem with keeping them but this is different.

Please does anyone here own chicken's and could they give me some friendly advise please.My dad has made a super chicken coop,so I don't want to turn around and say I no longer wish to get the hen's!!!!!:scared15:

26-04-10, 18:01
I had chickens before and was raised on a little farm.
Really chickens are pretty healthy birds.
If they do get sick they have antibiotics that you can get to put in their feed.

Make sure that you clean the coop at least once a week to cut down on the chance of that happening.
Clean drinking water is important and they tend to like to poo in their water so dump it out daily to avoid contamination.
Make sure if you are keeping them for eggs that you either get shell hardening mix to add to their feed or you can throw in old egg shells.

I would consider getting 1 rooster only because the hens will produce better -eggwise :)- with a rooster there and also it is good to have a rooster to ward off predators if any come around.

Any other questions feel free to contact me.

26-04-10, 18:06
Oh! I'm so jealous. I've always wanted chickens but our garden's to small even for an Eggloo http://www.omlet.co.uk/products_services/products_services.php?view=Chickens&about=the%20eglu&rolling_image_id=2&gclid=CN_Nn9nspKECFQZslAod_SLfyQ

Onwards & Upwards
26-04-10, 18:27

We have rehomed several battery hens we have 22 at the moment, they've usually been vaccinated against most of the poultry diseases before they arrive, so that puts your mind at rest, don't know if you are re-homing.

It's amazing how all their feathers grow back and even their combs revive and stand up again after a little while.

We don't have a cockerill as it wouldn't really go down will with the neighbours, nor me, for that matter! They still lay more than enough though!

They are so easy to look after, I was a bit unsure at first 'cause it was all new to me but I absolutely adore them, they are so friendly and rewarding, you will love it!

27-04-10, 00:36
Thank you so much everyone,We are picking 3 up on the 16th May,after I come back of holiday and my dad will have finished there lovely coop and pen.
Im so excited now can't wait.Thank you for the advise.xxxxxxxxxxxxx:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

27-04-10, 02:27
Post some pics when you can!
I'd love to see your chickens and the new coop after you get them in their new home :)

04-05-10, 16:42
Collecting my hen's on the 16th May so excited.
Im calling one Nessa,after Nessa on Gavin and Stacy!!!!lol

Can you think of 2 other names for my hen's!!!!!!:shrug:

04-05-10, 16:56
Can you think of 2 other names for my hen's!!!!!

Roast dinner :ohmy::roflmao:

04-05-10, 18:55

04-05-10, 23:46
Thats not very nice!!!!!!!!!!:roflmao:

Come on be serious!!!!!!!!!!!!:wacko:

04-05-10, 23:58

04-05-10, 23:59
scrambled and poached

or boiled and fried

05-05-10, 09:22
Aww...........i have chicken legs:weep:but I like Satay and Sage:D
Ronny x

05-05-10, 11:04
How about HOPE and PATIENCE ? you will need plenty of both ..:D Sue x

05-05-10, 12:23
Happiness and Calm? :huh:

05-05-10, 13:23
:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:: wacko::wacko::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

07-05-10, 00:34
Come on friend's Im not getting much help here!!!!!!!!!!

Im going to name one Nessa, after Nessa in Gavin and Stacy!!!!!!!:yesyes:

Other half suggested KFC,I was amused:lac:
Quite like Daisy and Nelly,Milly.O well Ill think of something.:whistles:

07-05-10, 01:37
We named our two fav hens Ariel and Jasmine as my daughter was into Disney movies back then :)

When we had pigs my Mom named them pork and chop because she knew I would get too attached!
Still didn't work!
I cried when we had to take them to market!

07-05-10, 04:15
yes you will enjoy keeping your chucks. my son, [14 aspergers etc], has 5 + cockerel he loves them to bits and takes great pride in thier egglaying!
in fact part of his 'anger management' is to go and spend time with them to calm him down.
has had them for a few years now -i like them too.
as to names his cockerell is "Cowell" [ as in simon cowell] it is a black silkie,so with his fluffy legs he just looks the part! the girlies are named after his friends

warning; as soon as you have a few people seem to gravitate to you with odd lonely chucks!
One day i will manage to say NO.:doh:

jude uk
07-05-10, 08:25
I had a dog and called it stay, its now in therapy but a good name for the chicken is philbert:)

09-05-10, 13:38
Dolly and Daisy :D

We had chickens when I was younger and I don't think they were too hard to look after. They didn't really get sick either. Just keep them cleaned out and keep their food in a dry container to stop rats. My dad built a fab coop all around some apple trees so they used to tuck themselves up in the trees at night lol. We had rabbits in there too and they got along just fine!

16-05-10, 23:14
Got my hen's today.Hettie,Nessa and Alice.Alice is being bullied so I have to see what happen's tomorrow.Iv been worried about it all day.:ohmy:

The lady I bought them from it should all calm down in 48hrs,I hope so.:unsure:

They are lovely girl's and Im really happy,but need to sort the bullying out as its stressing me!!!!!!!!!:ohmy:

blue moon
17-05-10, 02:50
My grandmomma makes lovely jewish chicken soup,she reckons it can cure just about anything:D

17-05-10, 14:51

28-05-10, 01:16
Howdy....I was just wondering how are your chooks?:D