View Full Version : boob prob

26-04-10, 18:11
Hi all, pls pls someone help put my mind at rest. On Friday I was leaning over something and had an itch on my right boob and when I was itching it I noticed I have a pea size lump slightly under my arm pit. Both my boobs have been slightly tender for the last week, im on Clist (the Pill ) and its my last one today before the 7 day break, although the doc told me not to do this break thing and go stright to my next packet.
Today I was having a shower and noticed some light brown frickles appear ( mind you not sure if they always been there or not as I never really took notice ), the lump is still there, its not really painful to poke/ touch although your aware of doing it. Also pls bare in mind im looking face on in the mirrow my right nipple does appear a little bigger than my left, again something I have never noticed before.
Im a 27 year old very upset girl. Please please someone help me.
Di xxxxxxx

26-04-10, 18:16
Hi. the best thing to do is to book an app with your doctor.
As for your nipple sizes, I dont think theres a woman alive with symmetrical breasts. One of mine is a tiny bit bigger than the other one.

26-04-10, 18:19
I'm sure it will be hormonal, but any lumps or bumps should be examined by your gp. Remember that most lumps are harmless cysts and sometimes we don't even know we have any until we find them unexpectedly!! It'll be nothing to worry about but your gp can put your mind at rest because you'll only keep poking and prodding and worrying about it (I know I would!)
Myra x:hugs:

26-04-10, 18:22
Try not to worry to much, I get quite a few lumps under the arm apparently it is a blocking of the poures due to aerosol deodorant - Roll on seems to stop this!
There are hundreds of harmless reasons so deffo book an appointment with your GP & put your mind at rest :bighug1:

26-04-10, 22:58
Hi hun :D:hugs:

It is only natral to have some concerns if you find a small pea like lump hun, from what I know, this pea like lump can be quit commom with the time of the month, my daugther gets these from time to time at that time of month, BUT they do go, BUT as it has already been said, ask advice from a gp, peace of mind goes along way.

It is important for ANYBODY to get to know there own body, they say that women should always check there breast and get to know whats normal for them. It is also important to take any meds as priscribe, remember what the pill is, its hormones, if you don't take them as your supposed to this can mess about with your hormones too, please get advice from you gp, if he/she has said, go staight to the next pack, there must be a reason for this, Mm don't know much about the pill.

As I have gotten older and had kids, my nipples have changed, I have lots of little lumps all around mine, this is normal, milk ducks, hehe very strange. We are all different, so please get to know, whats normal for YOU, this will help in the long run hun :hugs: