View Full Version : Nausea

26-04-10, 21:13
Just a bit of background. About 4 days before my blood test results were due I was quite anxious and this went straight to my stomach.The test results were good but the stomach issue has continued. Windy tum, occassional nausea.. Today I couldnt eat my dinner due to a waive of nausea and a cold sweat.I have been anxious since the results because of my upset tum!!..Get one thing sorted and now this..Can windy tum cause nausea and brief sweat?:unsure:

26-04-10, 21:55
Yep! Happens to me all the time - I get all worked up over something and it takes me days to get back to normal (what ever normal is for me at then time)....I bet by this time next week, you will be fine!!

28-04-10, 10:27
Just wondering if others have anxious stomachs that go on for a while even when the anxiety is less?

28-04-10, 11:21
Hi, Yes, I often get nausea too, I think strong or greasy foods upset me and cause wind, which in turn makes me feel sick, I was actually sick too, don't know what it was.