View Full Version : Its serious this time i know it..but i'm too scared to go to docs

26-04-10, 21:32
I'm losing weight and i'm not even dieting or exercising..the weights just dropping off me!!!!
I have 3 young children and i am a single mum...everyone just says its because i'm rushing around after them 24/7 but i dont think so.
I know its cancer...thats the only explanation.
I've googled it and it says that cancer causes weight loss.

26-04-10, 21:34
Well it isn't the ONLY explanation !! No googling allowed on here either lol

I lost weight when I was ill and I didn't have cancer.

How much weight have you actually lost?

26-04-10, 21:38
I dont know i darent get on the scales...i just know that i was a size 12 i am now a size 10 and they were tight 2 weeks ago now there getting baggy!!!!!! So its serious i dont know what to do.

26-04-10, 21:44
The most common cause of sudden weight loss is a overactive thyroid gland- are you feeling hyperactive with fast pulse and eating loads???
This is very easily checked out by your Dr with a blood test and even if you did have overactive thryoid gland its easily treated so instead of worrying about cancer go and see your GP and explain the sudden weight loss and he will check your thryoid and also probably do general bloods which will tell him if anything else needs checking.

do you know how much you did weigh?? as its much better to be able to tell your Dr that you have lost x amount of weight in x amount of time rather than just saying I have lost weight dont kow how much.

Good luck and make that appt becasue its highly unlikely to be cancer.

26-04-10, 21:45
Well if you really believe it is serious (which I don't) then you have to go and see doc don't you?

No point panicking like this and self-diagnosing things.

Get on the scales and see how much you have lost.

26-04-10, 21:54
My first question would be "how much are you eating?" and "how much are you rushing around?" .....I bet you you are eating less and moving more than before with out even realizing it - which would be the cause of your weight loss!

26-04-10, 22:01
When I am stressed out, the first thing everyone points out to me is my weight loss. People often say to me 'bloody hell your losing alot of weight. I too have small children who I am constantly running around and cleaning up after but every time someone tells me how much weight Ive lost I think cancer straight away. I have dropped 2 dress sizes in last 6 months and it does become obvious because I am only 10stone normal weight. I went through a stage of constantly getting on the scales to monitor how much weight I had lost but when it started to go a pound this way a pound that way i give up. I think the doctor would be concerned if you had lost 10lb over a 4 week period, sure I have been told that by my doctor. My current fear/worry is cancer in the lymph glands-cant shake the fear so my weight has taken another plummet!

Going home
26-04-10, 23:58
I do remember some years ago when my anxiety was at its worst, I lost quite alot of weight. Being in a constant state of anxiety can really speed up your metabolism without being ill. Imagine all that adrenaline bombing around inside of you, making your heart beat faster etc, its bound to make the weight drop off. I take it your phobia is cancer? mine is heart disease. We all have something to fear on here. When you say its serious this time...what other times have there been in the past?

Anna xxx

27-04-10, 00:29
I lose a lot of weight when im stressed .I lost 1st in 3weeks ..lots of us are like this .I put it back on when I went on citalopram .Now for the first time in my life I have to watch what I eat ..You cant win .. Sue x

27-04-10, 10:53
Hi OP,

Weight loss and anxiety go hand in hand. Last year I lost 10Kg in a matter of months!

I had an MRI yesterday brain, I was very very anxious about the test, and now about the results, since yesterday my weight has plummeted, I have eaten the same and done the same, it is the anxiety, I have done this all my life time and time again, Peter