View Full Version : Thrush!!!?

26-04-10, 21:36
Hi. Just wondering if this is normal, i think i have has a bout of thrush back last week to present. I took the internal tablet on Thursday night and thought i should play it safe and take the oral one during the day of Friday, Friday, Saturday I had the white powder like discharge come out and then the discharge seem to stop for Sunday, today not been to bad I keep feeling slightly sticky so I go check myself and doesnt appear to be anything, but this evening I have had yet more lumpy cream like dischage come out it wasnt much but enough to feel and notice. I was wondering does this still mean I have the infection?? I am still using the thrush cream 3 times a day.

I am one the pill in which I took the last one of the packet about an hour ago, I have been having on off discomfort in the belly for a week now and very tender boobs.

Whats the matter with me??

Thanks xxxxx:weep:

26-04-10, 22:39
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I used to get this alot, many years ago, ohhhh boy, very itchy and soooo sore at times, due to an itch you just can't scartch.

You say you think you have thrush, these are the symptoms

Thrush symptoms in women

Itching and burning:
These are the two most common symptoms of thrush. You may find it difficult to avoid scratching. But scratching will only make the condition worse.
Redness, soreness, swelling and pain:
The tissue of your genital area is very delicate. The fungal infection makes it red, swollen and very sore to touch. This causes:

Pain and/or discomfort, during sexual intercourse (superficial dyspareunia).
Pain and/or discomfort, during urination (dysuria).
Discomfort in sitting and walking.
Vaginal discharge is also a common symptom. It is usually white and thicker than the regular discharge. It resembles like yoghurt in appearance and is described by many women as a white, thick, cheesy, sticky, gluey discharge. At times it may also be watery and / or greenish in colour. Although odourless, some women complain of a strong smell of yeast. The quantity of discharge may also vary from a little to a lot.

There is a possabilaty that the fungi infection has not gone Hun, pop back to chemist and ask advice. Thrush is very unplesent and unconfortable, BUT treatable. Stear Clear from Sex when you have thrush. Drink plenty of water.

**I have been having on off discomfort in the belly for a week now and very tender boobs.**

This sounds like hormons reagarding youR boobs hun, I get sore boobs when due on as for the discomfort in your belly, this could be hormones too.

I have had thrush and cystitis, Mmm can't rememeber which one it was, but one of them gave me discomfort in my lower belly, felt like something was about to drop out, (so to speak )

If you really worried hun, talk to your gp, just to check what your dealing with, ( thrush, cystitisor another fungie infection, all are treated different, BUT ALL ARE treatable and go.



26-04-10, 23:31
hi mad-girl,
Sounds like thrush. The best treatment I found was to get some natural live yogurt and try and put some up in your nether regions. This can be very tricky unless you can buy one of those syringes for giving medicine to babies. As well as being cold its very soothing and the properties in it get your ph balance back to normal. It may take a few applications but it normally does the trick for me.
Hope this is a help.
Take care,

Going home
26-04-10, 23:41
I agree with Carol about the natural yoghurt, it is very soothing and dipping a tampon into it then inserting also works...:) And also agree on the intercourse avoidence as you can keep re-infecting each other.

Take care
Anna xxx