View Full Version : Fear of death

26-04-10, 22:21
I'm 19 and am currently a student in my first year of stuidies. I have a huge fear death, a fear of me dying and people close to me, in particular my mum. When I think about it i have to fight back the tears I just cant imagine life with out her i just would not be able to function. I think about death all the time, and because of this i suffer from panic attacts, insomnia, loss of concentration, loss of appetite, feeling like i want to be sick. I feel like i am missing out on enjoying my life but the feeling of the unknow, what happens after death is so terrifying i just dont know what to do. I have come to this website to maybe find other sufferers and to just be able to talk about my fear with out feeling embarrassed.

Jess X

26-04-10, 22:23
Hi Jess_19

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

27-04-10, 01:35
Hey jess thanks for the reply to my message! Its amazing how similar our symptoms sound! It feels like i'm only just coming to terms with the fact that death will happen one day to all of us and its a terrifying thought.
I am going to the doctors tomorrow for some advice, so fingers crossed that will set me in the right direction!
Feel free to send me a private message if you would like to talk some more, i feel we can help each other on the road to recovery!
Chin up hun.
Katie xxx

27-04-10, 04:13
I have the same fear ... it is intense. I've always had a fear of losing my family ... but it got much worse a few years back when my dad went out to run and died of sudden cardiac arrest at 50 .... and then my mom had pneumonia ... and then another time she had a pulmonary embolism ... and thank God she's okay but I just worry about her all the time. She's my best friend and I don't want to lose her. I also don't want her to suffer ever.

I have the same fear about losing my brother, but I worry about him less because he lives in his own place, is very independent, and is the healthiest of us all!

Anyway, just wanted to chime in and let you know I'm in the same boat.

My hope is that after we pass away we'll be reunited with our loved ones ... but I guess that's a faith issue.

27-04-10, 09:39
I'm sorry about ur dad thats terrible, i cant even begin to imagin what losing a parent must feel like. Yes it is a faith issue, and i have very little faith, i think that is one thing i need to do maybe is to become more religious. I fear my brothers death alot too because naturally he should live longer than my parents so he will be the only closest family member i will have left and that scares me because if he dies i will be alone. Lets hope we can work through this together and over come the fear.

Jess X