View Full Version : Diagnose me please

26-04-10, 23:01
Severe pain in the lower chest/upper stomach kind of between the 2, central, only lasts 3 secs max but the pain is so intense that if it lasted longer I would pass out. I break out in a sweat. Then it's gone.

Has happened 3 times today, the 3rd one being just now hence this post.

I've googled this but I can't find anything about it or any possible causes.

Please help, all my doctor said was try a ppi but the side effects are too bad.

Any idea what this could be????

26-04-10, 23:12
I had this with gastroenteritis once

could be acid indigestion too

Going home
26-04-10, 23:45
You've obviously spoken to your doc about it...didn't he/she give you an idea of what it might be after you described the pain?

27-04-10, 08:16
No just said it's probably stomach related and gave me a PPI but I couldn't finish the course because of the side effects.

The thing is, I've had indigestion and heartburn before, and this is nothing like it - it's almost as if my lower chest goes into spasm for a few seconds, then relaxes.

I feel stupid going to the doctor again about a pain which lasts 2 seconds, but like I said the pain is 10/10 on the scale - seriously bad.

27-04-10, 09:04
it could be your gallbladder

27-04-10, 09:34
that's what i thought but everything I've read on google says that gallbladder pain is predominantly on the right hand side. My pain is central lower chest.

27-04-10, 10:30
my husband has had it the pain went across his lower chest and back ,,it can be treated

27-04-10, 10:54
maybe an oesophagus spasm ? ....ive had that myself .....get seen by a gastro consultant....nothing to worry about

27-04-10, 15:04
i think i may have this sensation, as i feel an umcomfortable feeling of a full chest all the time, like i have a lump in my eosphagus, which i have nearly everyday for about 2-3 months, doesnt hurt just feels uncomfortable in my chest and tummy and sometimes i feel like a lump in my throat :( any ideas??

27-04-10, 18:57
Not sure if its this....we (my family) all had a nasty stomach bug last week. Lasted 3 days and the pain sort of went across my ribs and lower chest. Boy was it painful. I called it caved in rib LOL, because that's what it felt like.

I did not have diarrhea, or any sickness, just this awful pain that seemed like a cramp...it sort of gripped my stomach and then faded. It lasted for 3 days but each day got less. Hope its it cos it was pretty much something and nothing

Cell block H fan
27-04-10, 18:59
Skippy I have so had this, not long ago. I posted on here about it. Probably about 6/7 weeks ago, cant remember. Same place,just under the ribs, but right across. lasted a few seconds, came in waves. Sweating, feeling yuk. The only relief I got, which wasn't really relief was when I got on all fours, & leant on the bed. It came on in the night, woke me up, I posted on here wondering if I had some a stomach bug, but I was never sick, it went on for a few days. I went & bought Colpermin, after someone on here advised. I think it helped.
I haven't had it since though hun! And never found out what it was.

28-04-10, 01:32
Not sure if its this....we (my family) all had a nasty stomach bug last week. Lasted 3 days and the pain sort of went across my ribs and lower chest. Boy was it painful. I called it caved in rib LOL, because that's what it felt like.

I did not have diarrhea, or any sickness, just this awful pain that seemed like a cramp...it sort of gripped my stomach and then faded. It lasted for 3 days but each day got less. Hope its it cos it was pretty much something and nothing

yeah it sounds like you had that bug too like mine above. It was pretty painful and odd because it was just pain

28-04-10, 11:52
Thing is with my pain, which didn't happen yesterday but I've just had an episode 10 mins ago, lasted 2 seconds but again pain 10/10,

I can pinpoint the origin of the pain to probably the size of a 50p coin, although it does radiate a bit.

When I press my thumb fairly gently on the affected spot, which is right in the centre of my torso between chest and stomach, and breathe out, my thumb begins to hit the pain spot as I breathe out.

I went to a chiropractor about this a few months back but she just said that there are a whole bunch of nerves in that area and that it is a tender area for everyone. Basically she had no idea and couldn't help me!

If I go back to the doc he'll just give me another PPI, so I feel kind of lost. I feel like I just have to wait and see if the pain begins to last longer than a few seconds, because then I'll be calling A & E.

At the moment although I want to be in A & E when I'm having the pain, I can't because it resolves so quickly and I feel normal again.

28-04-10, 13:03
It does sound like nerve pain then Skippy. What is PPI?

I wish doctors would explain thoroughly what a pain is to people. Nerve end pain is short, sharp and covering a small area. I have nerve damage on my back, mostly it causes itching sensations, but other times its like a small set of daggers.