View Full Version : Ronster

27-04-10, 02:35
Hi everybody,

First time I've ever joined a forum so here it goes.

I'm a 46 year old male that has basically dealt with Gen anxiety and depression since my mid 20's. Not really knowing what it was then until I visited my GP one day and tried Prozac for a couple of years with no real success in fixing the problem. For the last 20 years I have dealt with this by masking it with both pot and alcohol abuse. Mosly weekend warrior but enough to releave my depression and anxiety for a few days, of course deal with anxiety and dep. again for a few days and then back to the abuse for the weekend. It's been a vicious circle to say the least. Finally after many attempts I have given up the booze and drugs back in December. unfortunately I have been the most anxious and depressed in 20 years. SO much that I have concidered going back to my old lifestyle. I known this isin't the answer.
Instead I joined the citalpram club, 20mg a day. Takiing them at bedtime and like most rookies I have been feeliing like hell usually 10 times worse than not on the pill. It has been 19 days and thanks to the web and this site I now know the first weeks side effects are brutal. I still have hope but still after 19 days now I have hellish mornings, I think i want to leave my wife, I'm terrible dad, I'm the only person on earth. Mostly none of this is true. Is this ever going to change, should I not be feeling the upside yet?????

Any words would help,


27-04-10, 02:49
Hi Ronster

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Veronica H
27-04-10, 09:40
:welcome:Ronster. I think it is probably too early to give up on the Citalopram. Everyone is different of course when it comes to meds but generally the consensus seems to be hang in there for 6 weeks but the side effects should progressively ease. Return to your GP for reassurance though if you feel this is not working at all. I felt the benefit of a low dose of Citalopram after 2weeks but others have had to wait longer. The negative thoughts go with the territory and are difficult to ignore but try to stay in the moment and not to engage with them too much.:hugs:


27-04-10, 13:50
Thanks Veronica for your response,

I have been reading and hearing exactly what you said and hangin in there. This can be living hell though I must say. So:wacko:metimes I feel that the meds are starting to kick in and then the next hour or day bang, negativity again. I'm cautiuosly optomistic that they are just now starting.

Thanks Again,


27-04-10, 13:56
they will help you dont worry

27-04-10, 16:40
Thanks again!

27-04-10, 19:32
they can take a time to work drink and pot will make things worse please stick with the meds they will work it just takes time

C xx
27-04-10, 19:48
just a quick message regarding the citalopram-don't worry they will kick in and it eases with time.They took 3 nearly 4 weeks of hellishness and ups and downs like u described for me to see a change.Please dont turn to anything else to try to self medicate-dont worry ive been there 2!!
Just be positive - it helps x

27-04-10, 20:06
Thanks for responding x:)

28-04-10, 02:08
Welcome ronster! :hugs:

Tangerine Man
29-04-10, 21:55
Ronster, stick with it, it WILL get better with time:welcome: