View Full Version : its my first time here

27-04-10, 09:09
Hi, its my first time here. I have been looking on the internet for the last few weeks to find out about my symptoms and at the moment I am self diagnosed. I am generally a worrier and I stress a lot and sometimes get heart palpitations and I generally suffer with tension headaches which sometimes last months. I think my anxiety started a couple of weeks a go, I had a bad head for a couple of days, different to the usual but I had also found a lump in my breast which panicked me. I don't remember having a panic attack but I know I was really scared and cried when my partner got home. Then a few days later I got up and was having quite a few heart palpitations and went for a walk with my sister. I had been drinking the night before and as we were walking I had the most weird feeling in my head for a split second...it felt like someone had switched the lights out. As soon as it came it went but it panicked me for sure as I had never had anything like that. I went to the docs and she told me not to worry but I couldn't help it and then a couple of days later I started to get lightheaded, constantly!. My heart palpitations have stopped but then yesterday I got myself worked up again about something else and my lightheadednes, which had started to go away, came back but even worse than before. My skin sometimes feels a bit tingly on my fingers and patches on my face. I think this is anxiety, what does anyone else think?


27-04-10, 09:11
Hi vw

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-04-10, 09:21
sorry your having bad time ..but yes sounds like anxiety,,if you scroll down on left of this page click on anxiety, there you will find list om symtoms hope this helps

Veronica H
27-04-10, 09:27
:welcome:to NMP VW. Glad that you have found us.
