View Full Version : Depression ?

27-04-10, 10:19
Hello folks.

Havent been on here in a lil while because i have made real progress with my anxiety and its now quite bearable to live with, havent had a full blow panic attack in over six months :) I really cannot reccomend CBT enough.

Having said that though I am experiencing bouts of what I can only call depression, it isnt a constant thing but when it does happen i find it hard to even leave the house, i tend to just lock myself in my room and surf the net or something, not looking at morbid stuff, just anything to take my mind off of how im feeling.

These bouts usually last for a few days at the most and then everything goes back to "normal". Coupled with this depression as is so often the case my anxiety comes back with avengance with thoughts like "what if this is it forever" or "im ill somthings going to happen" popping into my head at will.
Keep worrying about if i were to do something stupid aswell, although i would never act on this thought, its a worry in the back of my mind.

I actually feel physically sick when I feel this low, so much so that i cant seem to motivate myself to do anything.

Just wondering if anyone else has had these bouts of feeling like crap for a few days and then feel back to normal again ?

Think theres a possiblility that they may be alcohol related but the last time i drunk was on friday and i didnt drink too excessive an amount.

Getting fed up with this, if its not one thing its another lol.


29-04-10, 21:50
It may be a form of mild depression mate. Sounds similar to what I tend to do when I'm feeling low. Depression is really common and a lot of people don't realise they have experienced it. The definition for depression is quite general - a long-term feeling of low mood, unhappiness etc. Depression does not have to be dramatic or horrible. As with everything in life there are shades of grey.

But it could be a low-level form of anxiety. Bear in mind your batteries are flat and that causes low mood, poor motivation, lack of energy etc. These are not the happiest times to be alive (mostly thanks to the media) and I imagine that until things improve, a lot of people will be in the same boat.