View Full Version : Left and Right abdo pains

27-04-10, 11:01

I have made it 2 months without needing this site - I thought I was getting better and stressing less but here I am again slowly slipping downwards.

I need reassurance - so here I am.

For the last few weeks I have been having tender like pain on my right side near the bottom of my rib cage. I have one gallstone - so I thought it may have been from that.

The pain I think comes and goes and I thought it actually may have been from me leaning over my kids carseats (it kind of digs into me there) to get them in.

But two nights during the last few weeks I have been woken by an unbearable pain in my left side in a similar spot. It has been like a sharp stabbing gripping pain and it seems to be when I was rolling over in my sleep (obviously being in my sleep I can't be sure). This pain has lasted only 15ish seconds both times.

So it happened two nights ago and I went to the doctor today. She thinks they are unrelated and said my right could very well be my gallbladder.

As for my left side she said it could have been wind (I find this hard to believe - I have had really bad wind pain after an op and it felt nothing like this) it could be a lung infection, a clot, my bowel, my colon.

She told me if it happens again, or the pain continues on my right side to come back and see her.

But as soon as she mentioned lung clot, and bowel (my dad had bowel cancer) all my fears have come back as they are two of my biggest fears.

Can anyone else shed light on what it could be? I don't want to keep sinking :(

27-04-10, 11:34
hey there, i have been having these sort of pains too, on both sides in an area that i do think is my lung. i was really worried but mentioned it to the doc and she just said it could well be my intercostal (Sp) muscles (the ones between each rib) spasming. she never said anything like clot etc, if she had i would have full on paniced =/. as much as i have difficulty relating anxiety to such physical pains, it did happen to me at a time of high anxiety.. and after not thinking about it for a while, it hasn't been as bad (touch wood). if i were you, id give it like a week, and if its completely pain free id try to forget about it, if you do get any pains, write them down, like days/time etc and take them to your doc. it may be becuase your over thinking it and if your constantly prodding it, it wont go away either xx

28-04-10, 12:57
Thank you.