View Full Version : bit lady-ish

27-04-10, 11:27
kay..long story cut short...... 3 years ago, when i was at a party, a boy i didnt know gave me oral sex (i am female), at the time i regretted it, but had been drinking and had never done that before. straight afterwards i just cried for ages..anyway, obviously having HA (which i didn't know at the time, thought i was just a worrier) i was scared i could have caught something, as this boy was older than me, and probably not a stranger to this sort of thing, so i went to a GUM. here i was reassured that very little can pass in this form of contact, and at that point i went home satisfied. however it kept playing on my mind and so i went back again, the nurse offered to give me a blood test to put my mind at rest somewhat. now my main problem here is cos it was so long ago, i cant remember the order of things happening, because at some point during this whole time i got a lump down there and then read about syphilis, and started to panic. however i THINK the lump didnt last very long etc and by time i went back to the gum it had gone, and i didnt think too much of it again.

However recently this has come back into my mind, and iv been full on panicing about it. my best friend reassures me that the bloods i had would have tested for syphillis..so to check i rang the gum and they said yes, i had been, and it was fine. however, on research (dreaded google) i saw that tests can produce a false negative result within 3 months of exposure. i paniced, however then checked and i had my test just after 3 months of my exposure, but somehow, im still worried and feel like i should have another blood. does anyone know anything about this area? would it be wise do you reckon? another area of panic related to this for me is the fact i get a very itchy rash around my vagina, it comes and goes but often stays around for a while, it can be very painful due to excessive itching, im scared this is related :S also i cant get the worry out of my head that at the time i did have some lumps down there, and have had since, that im terrified were syphillis related. guhhh. any replies would be good, im too embarrassed to talk to the doctor, plus i have an appointment for ANOTHER thing very soon, and then never take me seriously at the best of times, especially when im reeling off symptoms..

thanks xxxxxx

27-04-10, 11:31
i shouldnt worryyour blood tests were clear ,