View Full Version : can anyone relate?

27-04-10, 12:42
does anyone else get out of breath when talking and you cant seem to get your words out properly,i find it so annoying,even when not anxious.?

27-04-10, 13:00
oh god yes, i have this at the moment really scares me, I have it on and off for ages, but the past two or three weeks been terrible with it. Then i start to focus on my breathing then it gets worse. It a horrible symptom. I have been to the doctors with mine loads of times and they say its anxiety.
Take Care

27-04-10, 13:45
Yes! My whole life for as long as I can remember (even at school!)

27-04-10, 14:42
Yes totally, I only recently started to get this symptom, never had this last time I had anxiety yrs ago.

do you thinks its hyperventilating or something? I would like to know whats causing it! Do you get acid reflux, Im convinced that this symptom for me is associated with my reflux!

Are you on any meds for anxiety or anything? Wishing you good luck and hope it goes away soon x

27-04-10, 15:52
thanks for replies,im on tabs for reflux(always burping)on 90mg of cymbalta which psych is taking me off,also on clonazepam as and when required,he spoke about a new med for anxiety called pregabalin i think?? once you start to focus on breathing its so hard to ignore i think,i also have heart worries every single day for 3 months,had blood tests ecg etc..all normal,but still on my mind 24/7,also got a skin crawling sensation at the mo which has lasted about 5 days,,oh the joys of anxiety.x:unsure:

27-04-10, 20:42
Yes, I suffer with this too & as you said it really does make you focus on your breathing from then on, I am also a very windy person & I seem to live on packets of extra strong mints to try to relieve it.
I never realised that the skin crawling feeling was a symptom of anxiety, I just thought that was some other weird thing that only I felt.

27-04-10, 22:02
i like walking but even thats restricted cos i worry about heart and breathing.

28-04-10, 15:02
what if you dont feel anxious but still get symptoms,then you start worrying about symptoms,which creates more symptoms.............arrgghh