View Full Version : Serious Complaints ../Moans

27-04-10, 13:46
Please feel free to post all your serious complaints here .Be it about your Job ,o/h Dr ,or just anything that is making you feel upset or fed up .All complaints will be dealt with in a serious and sensitive way .(HOPEFULLY ) If you prefer a bit of light humour to your replies .Post on the other thread . I just thought this would give another option for members and it will be interesting to see how many of you prefer this approach to the subject ..Look forward to helping you if I can Sue x

27-04-10, 14:31
Well, Sue, now you're in direct competition with Mel :roflmao:

(Can I have a job...as it looks like I may be made redundant? :wacko:)

Former SCC

27-04-10, 14:36
Anytime Mel ..Personally i will be posting on your thread .Ive always found trying to see the funny side of things the best way to overcome things myself ,But we are all different .Whats good for the goose isnt always whats good for the gander so to speak ..Luv Sue x

27-04-10, 14:59
I've always preferred the goose myself... Damn, sorry, this is for serious complaints :whistles:

27-04-10, 16:33

Thank you Sue for this page, it is good to know that I can come here and complain. keep up the good work.

I would like to complain that the cpn waiting list is taking forever for me to get a cpn, that is now 1 year I have been on the list, is there any idea's on how I can get them to listen that I do need them for support.


27-04-10, 18:00
I personally dont know how it works Yvonne ..That does seem like a very long time tho .My sister in law is a manager for our local mental health team I will try to get hold of her and ask her opinion for you .Hopefully some members that have gone through the same process will be able to provide you with some information and tips . In the meantime take care of yourself hun .x

27-04-10, 18:49
I increased my med last night and have been feeling manic all day. It feels like there's about 10 Mel's in my head all trying to speak at once pfffft (one Mel's enough for God sake). Hope it passes soon - I don't think I can function like this for long...

27-04-10, 18:58
The other thread was moved back to Misc so do we really need two now?

27-04-10, 20:12
Well I thought this would give the members who want a more formal complaints Thread they dont find so hard to work out .Somewhere to go .It would in the long term save additional threads on the Misc forum .If you would prefer I will delete it ..No odds to me Nic ..sue

27-04-10, 20:15
I am just finding the whole thing very tiresome at the moment to be honest Sue - all this over a blooming post that got moved.

There are worse things going on in the world.

That's my official moan anyway

27-04-10, 20:24
I was only trying to please everyone who may feel they had no where to post for a serious complaint or vent, and for someone to take them seriously .Tho on the other thread there had been serious issues posted and replied to .I dont honestly know what the problem was to start with to be honest .But your damned if you do and damned if you dont sometimes ..Cant see the point in having two myself ,But it did offer a solution for now at least .Its completely up to you as I said ..No worries ..Sue

27-04-10, 21:39
please dont delete complaints 2, as you all can have fun on the one mel created, this is great I think. if you must delete, that's ok.


ps thanks, for your support, I am going to phone again tomorrow, to find out what has happened. about cpn.

28-04-10, 04:35
Hi Sue....Don't delete your thread,it would be nice for those who have a complaint or moan and be takin seriously.I wish you luck with your thread and stick with it.
Ronny xx:D

28-04-10, 09:05
Thanks Yvonne and Ronny .Will see if its used or not .Time will tell.eh? Sue xx

28-04-10, 21:52
Hi Sue ...just a having a little tanty....the old my said he would make me breeky this morning,but no he went off with his mate to look at a new Harley.......the mongrel:mad:

28-04-10, 22:57
Typical man Ronny :lac: My hubs dont cook at all . We,d all starve if it were up to him .Maybe he can get your dinner ready tonight .? tell him you have a headache :winks: .Boys and their toys eh ? .Have a good day luv Sue x

28-04-10, 23:08
howdy...he will have a headache when he gets home....lol after I knock him out.....he won't be riding his bike for a few days....hehehe!
Luv Ronny xx

28-04-10, 23:34

I'd like to complain about my weight.I've always been chubby and in the last two years my weight has sky rocketed, and now to add insult to injury they put me on mirtazapine as anti-depressants which increase appetite which it has and I have put on a further stone! Its really silly and I do know that it is my own doing but feeling low and depressed exercise is the last thing on my mind. I think it has gotten so bad that I really need to do something now. Sorry rant over....and thanks for this thread,,,I didn't much understand whether the other was a joke thread or for real complaints and I got lazy and din't wanna read through all the page lol.So thanks


29-04-10, 01:07
Hi Sue,

Thank you for not deleting this one. very much appreciated.


29-04-10, 01:08

complaining about me not phoning the cpn team to find out where I am on the waiting list, going to try and call tomorrow. my plan went out the window today. now to get geared up to phone tomorrow.


29-04-10, 10:25
complaining about all the dirty e-mails my friend sends me,I have a sore face from laughing.Do you think I should send them on?....:winks:

29-04-10, 11:03
I have the same problem Ronny :winks:..Ive got an aching jaw right now ,:roflmao:Its good to start the day with a laugh. So spread a bit of happiness , its what makes the world go round ... LuvSue xx:hugs:

29-04-10, 17:27
Hallam11 - I don't care about how a girl looks unless she's horribly thin, a la Nadine "Chicken Legs" Coyle from Girls Aloud. I'll go out with you! :D

My serious complaint is that I have lost 3 friends in one month. April, the month from Hell! I guess I just won't take other people's crap any more. There are too many people who think they know me better than me. I could tell you horror stories about my former best friend that would have the womenfolk of NMP round to his house carrying fire brands.

I am sick of the world judging me when they should be taking a good look at themselves! Maybe I just align myself with the childish elements of the world!

29-04-10, 17:51
Thanks Psycho thats very nice of you to say!

I have to say I think that you have the right frame of mind about those who judge, a hard battle I fight myself!

29-04-10, 18:15
Hallam I have put on nearly two stone since I have been on Cit ..The first stone is what I had lost so thats ok .I keep active but find its still creeping up .I have of late tried very hard to cut out the things I crave for ie Carboyydrates .Apparently its a common side effect with these sort of drugs .Last week and this I have lost three pounds .I also have cut out sugary fizzy drinks and stick to the diet variety .I am going away in 4 weeks and dont want to look like im bulging in the middle .Its the first time in my life Ive ever had to watch what I eat .If this fails then I accept the fact this is how its going to be and I willl have to cover up more .You seem to rid yourself from one thing only to get something in its place .Its how you perceive yourself a lot of the time ,other people really dont seem to take any notice .Most men seem to like a bit of meat on your bones ..So dont worry unduly .Its not worth it ..:D

Yvonne im sorry you havnt managed to sort it out with the cpn yet hun .I wish you luck tommorow .Its a waiting game I think ,Whilst you manage to cope alone they think your non urgent .Not enough money is put aside to pay for the ammount of cpnsthat are needed and so many people dont get what they need ...take care of yourself until you do Sue x:hugs:

30-04-10, 22:45
Hi Sue,

I wanted to let you know I phoned the mht, to find out where I was on the waiting list for cpn, I was told I was allicated a cpn, Praise God, the secratary says she would phone the cpn to find out why I was not told that I had a cpn. I hope so.


30-04-10, 23:02
Hi.Poet,hallam,yvonne and Sue.......I have skinny chicken legs,hubby reckons i have to dance around the shower to get wet.I am on Lexotan and Avanza but that has not put weight on,the doc said they would,the liar.I am too skinny.:weep:

30-04-10, 23:34
Hi Yvonne and Ronny ..Im so pleased for you Yvonne .But it was a pity they didnt tell you,it would have saved you a lot of stress .Still its a good result ,and good news a last . :yahoo:Well done for coping so well with all you do .x

Ronny :roflmao:Will look them up ,Im only 5ft 4 and weigh 9 stone now .I havnt been this heavy for years .Musnt grumble tho .But I dont want to look like a hippo in the bath ,,:scared15:..If this continues im going to ask for me money back ..:mad: Im going into the health food shop tommorow to see if there is something that is safe ,that can help with weight loss . Fingers crossed x Sue

03-05-10, 00:12
complaining about, good complaints, it is good that Mel took my suggestion and created the complaints box, I love this serious complaints box, as you dont know that your in a complaints box, when it has changed to weird complaints, Praise God for this serious complaints box, thank you.

03-05-10, 00:13
getting tired, not making sense, I know what I'm trying to say.. going to bed, good night.

03-05-10, 02:28
Hope you sleep well,Yvonne.
Luv Rhonda x:D

03-05-10, 15:09
Hi, Rhonda,

thank I had a good night sleep. thank you for your kind words.

Yvonne x :)

03-05-10, 21:12
Hi,Just want to know where is everybody,a lot of people on here must be on holiday....:)

03-05-10, 22:50
Hi Ronny,
Not on holiday here!
Just dealing with life!
Sometimes it blows!!
Today is one of those days!
Hope you are well!

03-05-10, 23:33
LOL....Sandy,I am well thanks.The sun is shining,the old boy gone for the day and I am gunna sit out and get some sun on my chicken legs before it gets to hot.Have a Lovely day.
Rhonda xxx:D

03-05-10, 23:49
Good for you Ronny !:yesyes: Enjoy your day ..Being bank holiday here, it probably accounts for it being quiet here today .I had a busy day and im still waiting for the dreaded knock on the door about my friend ..:weep: We went out this afternoon and had visitors when we got home .Weather was cold but saw a bright light , every now and again ,think it was the sun :ohmy:...Maybe be better tommorow . My nest is empty but tidy :D.Tommorow will be the first day home alone :weep:.Got lots to keep me busy ,I have to go and see my parents again as tommorow I usually go and do some house hold jobs for them .Melancholia ,s computer has a broken harddrive .He lost all his work ..Not a happy bunny as you can imagine :mad:.Hope he gets it sorted tommorow .:yesyes: Yvonne I hope you had a good day today ?and a better week this week ..Luv Sue x

05-05-10, 13:58
I am utterly, utterly fed up with my job! Sixteen years stuck at the same desk doing the same old crap day in day out and now my colleagues taken voluntary redundancy and guess what? They've given me all his work to do as well as my own! Did they give me any of his wages? 'Course not! Only another sixteen years and I can retire, if I live that long which seems pretty unlikely!
Then I get home, the wife says 'Had a good day?', I say 'No!', 'Why, what happened?', 'I went to work.' This annoys the hell out of her and she tells me to find something else to do then. Easy enough to say, not so easy to do in the current climate, especially with a mortgage to pay. She gave up her job without so much as a by-your-leave, despite the fact that our mortgage depended on it, then took a monthly handout from her wealthy dad for 4 years while she decided what she wanted to do with life. Unfortunately I don't have a wealthy father to back me up and I'm resenting the whole damn situation like hell, especially as her chosen new direction is child-minding and now I feel like I'm living in a kindergarten and the whole damn house looks like its' had a bomb dropped on it when I get home at night. Then there's the anxiety to deal with...

Do I sound bitter?:mad:

05-05-10, 15:29
Well Mudskipper id say you had quite a good moan there ..Hope it helped ?..If your work expects you to do the work then they should definately pay you for it Bloomin cheeky s*ds .Cant you have a word with the company HR? or your Boss ..I personally would only do what I could comfortably manage and sod the rest .If you manage to do it all they will take it that you can cope ,and expect it all the time .Im sure it must be hard going home to an untidy house when you have had a tiring day and feel stressed .Nothing worse than going home to mayhem :mad:...be it someone elses mess, or your own ,at the end of the day .Cant your wife leave one room that s kept tidy for you when you get home to unwind in ? Surely its not necessary to use the whole of the house ?..Id say in different times to look for another job ,but this day and age its near immpossible to get one .But you never know :shrug:..Good luck with the pay increase ,stick to your guns ,too many companys seem to be doing the same thing lately .Trying to cut costs .At what price tho ..people s health .:lac: Take care Sue x

05-05-10, 21:00
Ok, I'm sure everybody in the UK is going through the same thing but..

if one more little jerk pushes another pile of political crap through my letterbox tonight I'm going to swing for them.

We have also had the car complete with loudspeakers and balloons polluting our space, the men with rosettes knocking down my door to convince me to listen to their propaganda and to inform me that their policies are the ones that I want.

I want them to go away, leave me and mine alone and to let them know that they are driving me so crazy I'm very tempted not to vote.

Hurrumph. :lac: I think I'll turn the garden hose on them.

Anyone wish to join me? Suggestion for getting rid of political canvassers gratefully received. :yesyes:

05-05-10, 21:48
I'm having a shit of a morning......so go and get fecked

13-05-10, 09:18

Complaining about my landlord not giveing me a weeks notice about house inspection, she only gave me two days notice, that is not enough time. I phoned and complained, they forgot to send me a letter last week, I think I should be allowed this week and be checked next week. not good, at least if I had the weeks notice, I would have time to sort things out with my dad to tidy up. I would have needed to arrange for my sister to be at my dad's so that I can spend time in my flat to tidy up. it is so difficult when it going to fall on to me. wish the dss would leave my sister alone, I need her support with my dad.

second complaint is about the government and the dss, my sister and I are single parents, my sister a single parent through battered wife, I'm single parent through to being battered wife, abused, raped. not easy being a single parent on dss money, we would love to work, I have a problem, and I will not tell lies to employers, you would need to have a brilliant memory to tell lies to employers. cause I will not tell lies, the dss says that I'm unfit for work,cause my employer would need to know that I self harm, sometimes o/d. That going to work does not solve the problem, it a long on going working progress to solve the problem. It takes time. not 6 weeks that the government gave for anyone who is being battered, raped, governement and dss have the rule that any women or man can get over it in 6 weeks. how wrong are they, this affects how you think, live your life. I guess that the government and the dss workers have never ever been battered, abused or raped etc... to make this decision.

sorry rambbling on.


blue moon
17-05-10, 02:32
I am complaining about rude and mean people,when you are of different race.I have been called some horrible names,but now I stick my tongue out at them,it may not be nice,but I get a laugh.

17-05-10, 03:42
i'm fed up with suddenly feeling awful, generally when i spy that light at the end of the tunnel - i fall in a big black hole..
fedup with 'banging my head against the wall' trying to get help for my son..
fed up with people asking me why i feel like this -dont they realise if i knew i 'd do something about it..
so fed up with ex [after years of physical and mental abuse] having 'fun' - thinking of ways to upset me etc, [you wouldn't believe me if i told you]....
people saying "oh 'flight' doesn't help you" - ok, ok, maybe not , but it makes me feel better to be away from whatever it is i am scared of..
fed up of trying to put things that i dont understand and cant explain into inadequate words...
saying 'i'm fine...'
really am a lot more than 'fed up' this week...

17-05-10, 23:33
i'm fed up with suddenly feeling awful, generally when i spy that light at the end of the tunnel - i fall in a big black hole..
fedup with 'banging my head against the wall' trying to get help for my son..
fed up with people asking me why i feel like this -dont they realise if i knew i 'd do something about it..
so fed up with ex [after years of physical and mental abuse] having 'fun' - thinking of ways to upset me etc, [you wouldn't believe me if i told you]....
people saying "oh 'flight' doesn't help you" - ok, ok, maybe not , but it makes me feel better to be away from whatever it is i am scared of..
fed up of trying to put things that i dont understand and cant explain into inadequate words...
saying 'i'm fine...'
really am a lot more than 'fed up' this week...

Hi ammiemum,

Sorry to hear that your having a very hard time of it. you are not alone, well done for sharing, that takes courage and strength. :hugs:
