View Full Version : Night time tummy problems - please help!

27-04-10, 15:05
I suffer with ibs but rarely have diorrhea, for me it's mostly just frequent but slow moving bowel movements so I seem to spend ages on the loo (what a waste of life)! My worry is that I sometimes start to go at night before bed and end up in the loo on and off nearly all night, again pretty normal motions but just keep going. I have had 4 hours sleep in the last 2 nights and I work full time, I am just exhausted. It always culminates in a lot of blood in the pan because I have piles and keeping going all night long just aggrevates them.

Does anyone else have this problem of getting up in the night (it doesn't usually wake me once I'm asleep) I Just seem to get the urge at bed time. Thanks for reading a not very pleasant post........


27-04-10, 17:40
I have IBS too and if I have a period of time where it is quite bad my Dr told me to take my IBS tablets to relieve the symptoms, but not just to take the odd one here and there as I was doing but to follow the dosage on the pack and take them for a week. Seems to do the trick when I am having a particulary bad time with it. I take Buscopan, best i've had so far


28-04-10, 10:39
Thanks Laura, (Mogwog - love the name)! I take Colofac when it's this bad but it doesn't help much usually. Are there any side effects with Buscopan, I hate trying new tablets but if they work I will maybe give it a go.

Fran x