View Full Version : Where do you have panic attacks?

27-04-10, 16:00
Are there certain places where your anxiety gets so bad you have a panic attack?

If so what are these places?

27-04-10, 16:27
I 've only recently started to have panic attacks but they happen when I am nervous, my first one was at the drs.

I also start to panic when waiting in the playground to pick my son up from school. So now I park really close to the school (have to anyway really as he is disabled) and don't go into the playground until the very last minute, this way I don't have long to wait and keeps the panic attack at bay. I also listen to music on my ipod whilst waiting.

I felt abit strange in the supermarket the other day but managed to control that.

I also seem to have them when going out to eat, I really don't know why:shrug:


27-04-10, 17:07
Mine can happen anywhere really. I've recently had some at work, which is a bummer as I work in high school, and have them during lesson time... managed to ride the panic attacks thankfully.

27-04-10, 17:27
I can have them anywhere too but mostly they are when I am out, in shops or picking kids up from school

27-04-10, 17:34
at the doctors or in hospitals, waiting in any ques, at traffic lights, on the motorways/stuck in traffic, supermarkets, in crowded places! anywhere really but they are the ones I usually always fear!

27-04-10, 18:02
Hi,,,I can have panic attacks anywhere,,,,but mainly in supermarkets, or if I cant see the door,,I just breathe deep and tell myself it will pass and it is only panic nothing else,,that works for me xxxx

Lyndsey b
27-04-10, 18:10
My 1st panic attack i was sat in the pictures, it cam on all of a sudden and now i get them when im goin out anywere. Its getting me down :weep:

27-04-10, 18:18
Hi all, im a newbie to this site, i have suffered with Panic attacks for years on and off, and i get them everywhere!! Its mostly when i have to wait for something, if its quick i can control them but the longer the wait the worst they are. Picking up kids from school, docs, supermarket or any shops, meetings at work, etc etc! They have peeked recently so iv started citalopram which is new to me, and im 35 weeks pregnant too! Alot going on arhhh

28-04-10, 11:57
Does anyone have them at the airport?

28-04-10, 12:57
When I am in bed trying to go to sleep