View Full Version : i really need a friend/s

27-04-10, 17:00
hi, i am on my second major bout of axiety and agoraphobia. i have just finished a 6 week course of cbt and also the no panic phone recovery group. i am beginning to feel like i am slowly slowly recovring, but feeling very alone.
i am 40 years old and have 4 kids (one has left home) i was working as an antenatal teacher and gardener until i started to have health problems and eventually became agoraphobic again.
the thing is for me is that i live in a really remote rural area in wales where i have only lived for 5 years. i am normally a really happy and sociable person but don't seem to have many friends anymore and i can't get out on my own.
what i am lookinf for is friends to help support each other in recovery. i am always happy to listen (and moan!) but don't want to get too bogged down in negativity. anyone up for this? could really do with some riends, even my husband is getting fed up with me now.
p.s not at all computer literate so please be patient!

27-04-10, 19:11
Hi Justine,
I know how you feel, being agoraphobic does isolate you from the outside world. Until eighteen months ago my world ended at the corner of my road. Its been a very slow process and Im far, far from cured but Im fighting this and getting somewhere. My world has now widened to travelling by car to my local supermarket (it is only a few mins away!), Ive been the pub and I can do small journeys in the car, my goal at the moment is travelling in heavier traffic and staying out longer. On the walking front (Im a lazy so and so so dont do walking!) I can get quite a way passed the corner of my road, usually unplanned and chasing the damn dog when he escapes!
I would love to make friends with someone in the same boat for help, advice and support. Ive made a few good friends on here and Im sure that is what has spurred me on, my confidence has grown and my quality life is so much better since joining.
I look forward to hearing from you, take care.

29-04-10, 16:35
Hi Carol, it sounds like you are doing fantastically well. i really look forward to being at the point you are at and i know it will come. sometimes the relentless nature of the anxiety and work needed to get better gets me down. also most of my friends seem to think that i am suffering from depression (i do get down but i am highly motivated)
I'm not sure how this all works but it would be good to chat some more.