View Full Version : Skin cancer?

27-04-10, 19:01
This is never something I have ever thought about really but about 10 days ago I noticd a smallish spot on the inside of my forearm, near the crease for my albow. In a lecture in uni last week I noticed it looked abit bigger, orange and wart liek almost, like it had fluid in it, was abit raised. Again i thought nothing of it at first, looked abit like a bite maybe. Now a week later it is still here but its quite dry looking, still abit raised but has flaky skin on the top abit and is orange in colour still.

I am worrying it could be skin cancer, there is a teeny tiny thing next to it tonight that looks the same. I am now thinking it must be skin cancer. Can anyone offer me some reassurance?

Cell block H fan
27-04-10, 19:04
It sounds like something I have just above my lip. I actually squeezed it once, a few months after it appeared. But even though it's smaller, it's still there. Not sure what it is though. It's been there about 3 years now so I dont worry.
I also found a small mole on my hip at the back last week. Funnily enough it was the day I had my smear so I asked the nurse about it. She said not to worry unless it grows, gets darker, itches, or basically changes. It was dry, so she said put some vaseline on it, 2 days ago, it crumbled off & i'm left with a freckle! Weird lol
So yours doesn't sound anything to worry about xxxxxxx

27-04-10, 19:07

Thing is it's notbrown at all, its orangey coloured, has a crack across the middle of it and a big flake of skin across that crack??? It has appeared from nowhere really.

27-04-10, 19:22
stupid me the flake of skin was hanging off so i removed it and now underneath the mark is redish and still a circle shape. It had a teeny speckle of blood where the scab came off. I am more than worried now:-(

Cell block H fan
27-04-10, 19:55
Blimey dont say that, I will be worried about the one on my hip now!
Honestly, it doesn't sound anything bad at all. Its dark moles that change shape & itch etc you need to worry about. My dad had a skin cancer by his eye years ago, & had some sort of radiotherapy on it, they made a special lead mask to cover the rest of his face when they zapped it. But his was the type of skin cancer that isn't malignant? So wouldn't have spread.
The dark moles are the malignant ones xxxxxxxxxxx

28-04-10, 01:41
Sounds like a little skin ulcer.

I had a skin cancer on my leg and I could see it was by researching pictures of all types, none were like you describe. Mine was removed and it was benign...have a dent in my lower leg from it.

They are not always brown, mine was red but, of all the pictures I researched, I never saw any orange coloured. It is a blemish or a little ulcer, or eve a bite or spot.

For peace of mind, get the doc to take a look

27-07-10, 10:49

Hope this doesnt remind you of something youd cleared up!! I just saw this post and had to answer coz i have the same thing since i had my daughter. It sounds just like a skin tag. Happens in areas where the is friction like crease of arms , inner thights etc.... Stress could make it more like and also especially pregnancy. Dont think they would just fall off after either so likely they could be around permanently after being pregnant....unless of course you pull them off:D
