View Full Version : DP- progress or not.

24-01-06, 19:50
Hello everyone.

I have not been here for a while because I have been trying not to dwell on the feelings of depersonalisation.I hope you are all coping with this awful disorder.

I have started college full time and now eat loads and sleep plenty.

Problem is the dp is still here.

I am beginning to wonder whether it will ever go as it still seems as bad as ever.

I have tried so hard to ignore it but it wont leave me alone.

I still dont feel as though I exist. The world outside myself still feels strange.

When I go into thoughts about anything, I feel like Iv gone miles away from reality and have a struggle to get back to the here and now.

My mind feels like a huge hollow.

When the dp is bad, i feel like I dont know myself. I get odd sensations that are impossible to explain and even the way Im feeling feels unreal, as though I am imagining it all.

Am I making sense here,

Depression is sinking in because I feel like there is no hope now. When I try tell myself it is just anxiety, my mind says ... so why wont it go. I dont feel anxious any more.

My question is, are these feelings still caused by anxiety or am I doing it by just thinking about it?

How do you get out of this trap. How do you stop thinking about dp. Does it go away and you cant imagine how it fels any more or do I have to stop it by not thinking about it.

Im rambling on now, but if anyone understands what I am talking about, please help me by replying to this post.



Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

24-01-06, 21:12
Hi Jude,
I can relate with you. I dont know how much I can offer you as I ask myself those same questions I am no longer feeling as much anxiety, yet those weird feelings persist. I do believe wholeheartedly that our thought or memory of it keeps it around. I believe our fear of it keeps it around.

When and how did it start for you?

Do you take medication or are you seeking any other form of treatment?

How long have you felt it on a consistent basis?

Do you ever get a break from it, even for a few seconds or minutes?

I send you my love Jude, I know how terribly hard this is! Let me know how your doing! Chrissy

24-01-06, 21:43
Hello :)

Thanks for the PM :)

Firstly - a huge well done for being at college full time, it's a big thing and the fact that you are functioning and doing it shows that you are coping even if you don't feel like it.

Your description of DP sounds exactly the way I feel. I often feel as though I'm imagining it all and that somehow none of it's real. It's really horribe and often feels like it will never end. I often feel like my brain can't contemplate things that other people can, such as the world or life. I often feel out of control.

I think it all comes from anxiety but I find that thinking on it makes it worse, only often I can't stop myself and the thoughts are just rolling through my head on a loop and through the night so my mind never gets a rest.

Are you taking any medication. I have started taking prozac and I've been on it for about 7 weeks and I think it is just starting to take effect.

I really hope that college keeps your mind distracted and that these feeling pass soon for both of us. I am training to be a teacher so am at uni and I am using that as my focus :)

Annie x