View Full Version : Tiny Red Veins on Cheeks and Nose: caused by alcohol? or otherwise...?

27-04-10, 20:24
Firstly, im not sure if this should go into another forum, so if it needs to be moved, then thats ok, this is my first post, so im still learning :)

Ok, so recently, ive noticed that i have tiny red veins on my cheeks and on my nose. i first noticed them about 2-3 months ago, after noticing my cheeks stayed like a rosy hue colour, even when I didnt have make-up on, or when i was hot.

I drink quite a lot, about double my normal units a week... and ive been drinking like this since i was about 19, and im 23 now.

im worried that my alcohol intake has started taking its toll on my skin, and have the urge to finally cut down on my drinking... :scared15:

I was suggested to post on here and ask others if they have suggestions or opinions on this, and wether people even think it could be alcohol related.

I have generalized anxiety, and so , yea, i could see that i could be looking into this all wrong and worrying and reacting in the wrong ways.. (not that cutting down on alcohol in in any way bad , i know lol)

any suggestions, or advice that anyone could give, or is anyone able to relate to this ..:shrug:

Thankies Muchly


27-04-10, 20:45
Yes, alcohol can cause spider veins on face. Then again, I know people who don't drink and have them. If it's worrying you that alcohol has caused them then maybe deep down you know you need to cut down. I'm not lecturing you because I like a glass of wine myself!! In the meantime you can always cover them with concealer. But I think you probably are worried about your alcohol consumption and alcohol can make you more anxious if you overdo it.
Myra x:hugs:

28-04-10, 01:44
I never have alcohol and do have just a few of them, but as Myra says alcohol does cause them too.

I think you can get something to get them gone...I am sure i saw something advertised

Going home
28-04-10, 01:50
As has already been said you can get them with or without alcohol consumption, but if you've been drinking quite a bit every day over a 4 year period then i'd put it down to the alcohol.

You could have a course of electrolosis which is painless and zaps these spider veins and is available in most beauty clinics etc, but not sure of the cost.

Anna xx

07-05-13, 04:40
Rosacea? the rosy cheeks and spider veins are typical of this. Alcohol is something that worsens Rosacea, as does caffeine, sunning, and eating spicy foods.

07-05-13, 09:34
I am not a drinker and I have these sort of veins. They can be removed.
Usually in beauty salons. I have had mine zapped out twice. was not too expensive.
That was a few years ago though. I have never had rosacea ,just the red spider