View Full Version : Obesity & Anxiety

27-04-10, 22:15
Hi all

I was wondering how many people on this site that suffer from health anxiety especially those that suffer with palpatations and ectopics etc are obese.

The reason i ask is i am twice the weight i should be which does make me obese and alot of my health anxiety stems from worrying about what all the extra weight i am carrying is doing to my body especially my heart.

It is not nice to be in my shoes i actually feel very defensive of myself whilst writing this lol because so many people out there have the attitude of ''well you got yourself fat so deal with it'' .. i wish it was that easy.

Being as overweight as i am its like living in a vicious circle that never stops - you worry about your weight which in turn makes you depressed and anxious which in turn makes you turn to food for comfort which in turn leads to weight etc etc etc.

I am currently at the stage where i am too scared to exercise cos i get out of breath so easily now ( btw my weight hasnt changed over the last couple of years but the way my body copes with it has).

Anyways if there are some members out there that are overweight and would like to chat and i dont know try and help each other in some way i would love to hear from you.

My weight currently is 19 1/2 stone ( approx 273llbs ) i am 5'3 - ideally i think i should be about 10 stone.

Not sure what else to say now feel a bit embarrassed posting this but i think it would be easier to cope if i know there is someone else out there similar to me xxx

margaret jones
27-04-10, 22:20
Hi Amanda welcome to NMP it is a great site everyone is so supportive towards each other and i am sure you will find lots of help and advice on here

Take Care Maggie

28-04-10, 01:36
Hi, I think you are very brave to put all this in writing. This is a step in the right direction. Im not over weight but I still suffer with the same anxiety as you. Just make small changes to your diet and Im sure you will start to feel better about yourself. I know its hard and people can be very cruel but I think you may be stronger than you think you are. I have alot of tips as I love to eat healthy (most of the time). If you want encouragement or advice you can private message me. Adelle.

28-04-10, 01:52
i also think this is very brave!

i am a big girl myself... and i worry all the time about heart attacks and how i am more prone to getting ill as i am over weight.... the annoying thing is i am a really healthy person and eater.

im just not that big a fan of exercise... but i have started to swim and its a great way to lose weight! is there anything you really enjoy todo?

29-04-10, 13:00
thank you all for the replies, adelle i will definitely private message you could do with tips and advice.
I was disappointed to see that i seem to be the only very overweight person on this site for some reason i thought there would have been more.
madeup i too enjoy swimming, i live next to the sea but its too cold lol to swim in however i have been looking into going to the local swimming pool on the adult nights its just getting up the courage to go but i need to do something!! i also have a wii fit + at home which i am going to start up tonight, i just wish i could shake off the feeling of doom and gloom i have xxx

29-04-10, 14:20
I know exactly how u feel I am 5"9 and weigh 117 kg. Not sure what that is in stones near enough to 19 I" d guess and am obese, being particularly afraid for heart health I know I need to get on top of this. I've lost 10 kgs from anxiety alone I think :). As I am obese I know the extra risks of disesases which scares me alot, I often think to myself how could I not have heart problems I am obese but dr assures me I'm in good health although the fact I'm 22 must help. Just know your not alone

29-04-10, 15:05
You are absolutely not the only overweight person here !!! I am also 5 ft 3 and weigh nearly 16stone and I have had exactly the same worries and fears about palpitations and being unable to exercise because I get out of breath and then worry about the breathing and what it is doing.
I am actually this week for the MILLIONTH time restarting again :scared15: 10 years ago I lost 5 stone and looked and felt great but was unable to maintain it :( and it all came back plus more.
I also posted the other day about being overweight and worrying about losing weight, and also about my overweight daughter. She is 5ft 3 too, and weighs 19stone 5, and is only 19 years old :(
So worrying about weight has been a constant background worry as well as all my other worries.
Because of my agoraphobia though I am unable to get out TO do any exercise, or go swimming which is what I love doing most of all, so it's all so hard for me :(
But you are certainly not alone, inbox me if you'd like to talk more privately xx

29-04-10, 15:56
As the others said you are definately not alone, I am 5ft 3in & currently weigh around 15st, at my heaviest 18 months ago I weighed over 18st, last year I got down to 13st but where I have been feeling down again my weight has crept back up as I just can't keep myself focused on the plan (I follow Slimming World)
I am hoping that where I am beginning to settle onto my meds again that I will be able to face going to group again, I know I can do it, I proved that before but unless my head is in the right place I won't succeed this time round.
I to can't face doing any exercise as I get very out of breath & when my heart starts beating fast as it should do when exercising I get panicky about so avoid it all I can.
I'm going to try to do my Wii Fit again soon to slowly become more active.
If you need to speak feel free to PM me at ayntime xx

jaded jean
29-04-10, 16:44
:DHi ladies
Another big girl here . Have been a large lady most of my life.been in the army still bigger than most. so what life deals us crap hands sometimes . all I can say is get your anxiety issues dealt with first. some meds put weight on some do the opposite . and ys anxiety can make us lose it which isnt a nice way.Once you are in control your attitude will change.put you first. By the way I am 5ft 9 and 171/2 stone and got tattoos all over:ohmy:

30-04-10, 18:11
wow what can i say, am so happy to see all these replies to my thread and im open to anyone wanting to email me and perhaps try and lose weight together perhaps we could have our own little group or something on here not really sure how that works.
For anyone that is serious about trying to diet ( now or never ) and sort your health and life out then please please please email me , i feel this is my last chance to do anything seriously and with alot of other people doing it we might all achieve something together :)
what do you say???