View Full Version : A good day... and then a bad one

28-04-10, 08:48
I am on Day 12 of Escitalopram and yesterday and the day before have been not too bad all considered.
Still anxious, still waking up early, but all in all I made it through the days without any major crisis.
Today though I feel rotten again. At work, but unable to concentrate, feel a lump in my throat like if I want to cry and butterflies in my stomach which make me feel nauseous.
I am so disappointed as I thought I was on the road to recovery... and maybe I still am, but I really don't like this setback... thinking of taking 5mg of Diazepam as I am really feeling nervous :weep:

28-04-10, 09:28
F*ck it! I took the Diazepam in the end. I know it's bad, I know it's addictive, I know it's not the solution, but it makes me feel better and enables me to eat something so there!

I had taken my last one 2 days ago so hopefully I won't get addicted to it.