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View Full Version : back again.

28-04-10, 10:58
I havent been on here for a while has i have been doing ok but its back again. My auntie was taken into hospital 3weeks ago with cancer because she had found a lump in her breast last year and hadnt told anyone so it had spread.Me and mam have visited her every day and the first week i was fine but then i started having thoughts of " i hope this doesnt start my health anxiety" because that seems to be my fear cancer.My left boob started aching and that was it i started thinking i have breast cancer,so now i feel breathless,tired,dizzy,agitated,crying etc and i cant stop it.
Its awful because i know its anxiety but i cant control the thoughts.
Why cant i rationally think the symptoms i am getting are with stress and anxiety instead of thinking i have cancer?. Its a vicious circle.

28-04-10, 21:33
I wish I could take away your fears but I can't even take away mine. I have the same problem when I hear about someone being sick it kicks off my anxiety. The only way I have found to break the cycle is exercise and yoga. It doesn't really fix anything but it makes my muscles stretch and makes my body have something else to fixate on for a while. I go for a run or a swim and it helps. Good luck and post whenever you need to.