View Full Version : nightmares - waking up with strange feeling every night

28-04-10, 12:12
Hi everyone,

I am just wondering if anyone else gets this. I am not sure if it is related to anxiety or something to do with my thyroid condition.

Every night recently I have woken up from my sleep with the most horrible feeling going through my body. It is like my whole body is really light and floaty with anxiety running through it and all my mind thinks at this time is 'i'm going to die, this is it, i'm going to die'. Then I get up in the morning and the feeling is gone.

I have also been having a lot of nightmares and last night had nightmares as well as this horrible feeling.

I am worried that it is the sign of something serious and I don't understand why it only happens at night during sleep.

Any advice appreciated.

Kirst xxxx

28-04-10, 12:18
i have had this feeling its awful i have a tyroid prob ,, but dont link the 2,, i think when we sleep our brans are working overtime hence the way we feel

28-04-10, 13:06
Oh Kirst, I seem to get this a lot lately. It eased off and then something scared me a week or so ago and I became very anxious. Every night I had nightmares of the horrific kind. Somewhere on here I left a post about it as I really did think I was about to die - its very disorientating. It does pass as the day goes on.

I started listening to relaxation tapes before sleeping which is causing me to have nice dreams

28-04-10, 13:41

I've had this before, not for ages thankfully, but I did get it when I was in my worst period of anxiety. As I was falling asleep I got this awful feeling going through my whole body, normally started in my stomach / chest and then went up to the head... used to think I was about to die... it's terrifying (assuming it's the same thing as you had). I eventually stopped experiencing it.

I've been quite anxious recently, and have started to use the Brainsync relaxations CDs / MP3 by Kelly Howell... they are excellent... I never get to hear one all the way through, as they relax me so much that I go into a deep sleep. worth a try. :)

28-04-10, 13:58
Thanks everyone :-)

The fact it always happens at night and my one big fear is dying in my sleep then I think it is definitely anxiety and it sounds like what you have experienced.

I think my brain just won't switch off properly and my body is just getting so confused!

I will definitely give those things a try. Anything for a good night's sleep without these horrible feelings!

K xx