View Full Version : Worried about clots - AGAIN!!

28-04-10, 14:26
God - I thought I was past this! I have done a few sessions of CBT and thought I was going great guns.

Then I get a few unexplainable pains and bang back to square one!!

I did a post about some abdo pains I have been having. Went to the doc yesterday who mentioned a few different things it could be - bladder, colon, lung infection, lung CLOT!

So now I am panicing. I have been really wheezy tonight and a bit chesty - so now I am convinced I have a PE!! I have been coughing up a bit of phlegm (sorry way TMI I know!) so I am sure it just has to do with this - but of course my mind is wandering away from me and now my anxieties are returning.

Please reassure me, please??:lac:

28-04-10, 15:31
I've been there so many times. It's frustrating, isn't it?

If you had a PE you would be coughing up blood with phelgm.

You would be in SEVERE pain, and gasping for a breath, have a fever and basically be in a situation where you wouldn't have to think there was something wrong, you would KNOW.

IF you get like this at any point obviously then go to the hospital. But with anxiety sometimes when we worry about something we pick up on every normal body symptom and convince ourselves it may be a sign of something serious when infact it's just anxiety.

Have you read anything about clots that may have triggered your worries?

How bad would you say your symptoms were on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst pain you have ever experienced)

28-04-10, 19:50
I know that feeling too well, everytime I get a pain in my leg I am sure I have a clot there, everytime I am breathless I am sure I have a clot in my lungs.
Could your wheezy/breathlessness be hayfever or do you have a new pet or been in contact with one ?
It is most likely good old anxiety, I am suffering the exact same thing at the moment & have been for the last 2 days & the more I think about it the worse it gets as I then concentrate on my breathing even more.

28-04-10, 23:03
Thank you both. I am a little snotty/tight in the chest so hopefully it is just some allergy or cold.

But of course being how I am, I can only think the worst :(

28-04-10, 23:25
Do you smoke as well?

29-04-10, 05:06
I've got the same going on at the moment. I've had a pain in my leg for 4 or 5 days now (probably muscular) but I keep thinking about clots... if the pains moves up (which is does sometimes) I think to myself ''here we go.... countdown to stroke / heart attack''. It's so annoying.

If it continues, I will go see my doc and maybe get it looked at for reassurance.

29-04-10, 12:09
Thank you all xxxxx

The thing that eats away at me is - I can 'ignore' it, but I am terrified the one time I ignore something that will be the time I am right and it kills me! I guess you are all the same :)

And no, Nicola - never smoked at all in my life :)