View Full Version : Please help! I feel like im going out of control... hands/arms dont feel like mine?!

28-04-10, 18:19
Hi all,
Sorry to bother anyone but could really do with some advise!

I feel absolutly drained tonight, soo tired.. and i feel really anxious - not a panic attack, but tense and anxious!

Another thing iv got is... my hands and arms just dont feel like mine?! I look down and they move but i dont feel like im moving them... im sooo worried that im unwell with some horrible illness, cos im so tired and feel funny with this arm thing!!

Is this just anxiety?? Has anyone else had this before??

I have had an anxious morning, delivering a baby massage session (on my own.. being at the front of 9 parents with their babies, teaching them massage strokes) so i kinda understand why im tired... bt i never feel this tired!

Im probably just being insane lol,

Thanku everyone, xxx

28-04-10, 18:24
it does sound like your over tierd ,, massage might have helped with the feelings in your arms sounds like anxiety.. a bad attack,, if your still unsure you could ring n h s direct xx

28-04-10, 18:59
This is a classic anxiety symptom. Its called Depersonalization. Google it. Its perfectly normal for anxiety sufferers and totally harmless.

Relax your breathing and take a nice hot bath and just chill. It will pass. Ive had this for months and you will learn to accept it and realise its perfectly normal and harmless.


28-04-10, 19:05
Thank you for your comments, it has really reassured me :hugs:
Im usually good at telling myself its just anxiety/panic.. but think its been a long day!

Thank you again, i love this site! x

28-04-10, 19:12
Hi all,
Sorry to bother anyone but could really do with some advise!

I feel absolutly drained tonight, soo tired.. and i feel really anxious - not a panic attack, but tense and anxious!

Another thing iv got is... my hands and arms just dont feel like mine?! I look down and they move but i dont feel like im moving them... im sooo worried that im unwell with some horrible illness, cos im so tired and feel funny with this arm thing!!

Is this just anxiety?? Has anyone else had this before??

I have had an anxious morning, delivering a baby massage session (on my own.. being at the front of 9 parents with their babies, teaching them massage strokes) so i kinda understand why im tired... bt i never feel this tired!

Im probably just being insane lol,

Thanku everyone, xxx

It sounds much like how I feel..I've felt awful for days with depersonalization, felt ill posted a thread about it here:


I can't give much advice as I'm suffering myself but I have had it, or having it now.. sometimes my feet don't feel like there grounded, my hands can go totally numb, I feel very unreal, disconnected with people when chatting to them ect...

And it's also just stuck me the last few days and people say it's anxiety to me. Perhaps you had some stress/anxiety to trigger it?

Thank you for your comments, it has really reassured me :hugs:
Im usually good at telling myself its just anxiety/panic.. but think its been a long day!

Thank you again, i love this site! x

I feel the same. Sometimes I need reassurance and it passes all good but last few days I've been so desperate it's stopped me sleeping as I'm terrified I'm ill. It's scared me as I've felt unreal for days now.

28-04-10, 19:15
Yeah, definitly had stress to trigger it... been struggling alot lately with panic attacks and constant anxiety... attacks up to 8 times a day and when im not panicking, im constantly anxious!
Iv been so reassured... i know its just panic related, as annoying as that is, it will not harm me! So i guess i have to ride it out...

Coming back to where you said your hands felt numb... i had this today whilst eating lunch, my hand went numb for no reason and felt weird... i immediately got into an attack over it! I hadnt linked it to this feeling though, so i guess its just been a panic day and its been on my mind all day.. hense the feeling now!

Thanks guys, x

28-04-10, 19:18
I often get this, more so when I am tired, it will pass soon enough just try to relax as much as you can & maybe an early night will be good x

28-04-10, 20:13
Hi guys, i know how hard this can be, i've had this symptom for years now, as well as many others lol.
Just to reassure you that it is not nice and pleasant and you feel like you are going mad but you are not. This is a common symptom, along with derealization and unreality, i know them all well lol. I used to be so scared when i had these feelings and funny sensations, especially when i was driving and when i saw my hands on the steering wheel, 'they were not my hands'. This is freaky, but i got through it by just keeping going and trying to just accept it as another 'weird' symptom and it will pass. And thankfully, over time, it has become a lot easier and mine is now going away. When we have anxiety issue's then our bodies do not seem to handle every day things the way that they used to. So being tired will bring out symptoms in us that we probably never had or noticed before. We are so tuned in to every single sensation and feeling that it is amplified. I know that it is hard to start with, but acceptance is the key. xx

28-04-10, 20:20
Thank you so much, i really cant thank everyone enough! I love this site.. people who actually understand instead of judging!

I get that when im driving aswell - look at my hands on the steering wheel and wonder how im moving them! Sounds sooo strange lol

Im feeling much better now, and going to get an early night!

Anxiety is horrible, it really is... but we can all beat this! We can all get back in control again,
love to u everyone on this site x:bighug1:

11-08-11, 20:32
Hi fairyclairy, I know this is a old topic but was looking on google "sometimes my hands dont feel like mine" at it pointed me to your post.

I was starting to think i was going mad sometime my hands don't feel like mine "like a cloudy kind of numb" sounds strange thats how it feels like my hands are in a dream world " I am mad LOL ".

16-08-11, 15:41
You're definitly not mad! :)
I still get this with my anxiety... it happened today whilst driving my car, my hands went numb and really hot and when i looked at them they felt like they werent attached to me... very odd! But just anxiety.... x

16-08-11, 16:40
I've had this before, it's horrible but it won't hurt you.
There are loads of threads on here about it..weak arms, arms not feeling like you're own etc etc...we can't all have the same disease lol.

Sounds like you could do with a nice relaxing massage yourself!
I hope you feel better.

Emily xxx

16-08-11, 17:42
YES !!!!! I was just scrolling through the new posts for some things to reply to and this one leapt out at me. I have had this LOADS of times over the years (but only with my arms), and then more you stare at them and the more you worry the worse it gets. It feels like they aren't being 'made to work' by you, but are alien things attached to your body. It is the wierdest feeling, but it is definitely part of anxiety and will go as soon as you stop focusing on it. Easier said than done I know.

12-02-18, 21:34
This is a classic anxiety symptom. Its called Depersonalization. Google it. Its perfectly normal for anxiety sufferers and totally harmless.

Relax your breathing and take a nice hot bath and just chill. It will pass. Ive had this for months and you will learn to accept it and realise its perfectly normal and harmless.


To put a personal story to depersonalization there was a week where I thought I existed in a different world. Sounds funny now and maybe even fun but it certainly was not fun when it was happening. I always felt like my mind was 2 steps behind my body. I ended up taking a few days to ground myself and rest, and came out much better. Best of luck to you, but know you are not alone.

au Lait
13-02-18, 00:05
I'd heard of depersonalization but never experienced it until last year. It doesn't last very long when it happens to me but I definitely get this feeling of being detached or watching events from outside of myself, if that makes any sense. It's weird but when it happens try to remember that it's a normal part of anxiety and not a sign of anything serious.