View Full Version : Eyelids, please HELP

28-04-10, 20:05
Okay freaking out my eyelid is twitching ALOT, like once a minute r so. Totally freaking me out, of course I googled it and it said nuerological condition, that along with all my other symptoms (burning tingling skin) make me feel very scared. My lower eye lids were doing this like a week ago and it went away. It is very freaky! What could it be?

28-04-10, 20:08
I get twitchy eyes a lot of the time especially when I am tired, try to relax as much as you can, the more you focus & worry about it the more you will have the symptom so do something to take your mind off it, you will be fine xx

28-04-10, 20:12
does it last all day? This has been since last night, I am so paranoid I wish I was not like this.

28-04-10, 20:13
A long while back i mentioned it to my nuero who said it was stress & sleep, so I am scared now becasue Dr google said it could be a nuero condition.

28-04-10, 20:15
Mine usually comes & goes throughout the day but doesn't normally last more than about an hour each time.

28-04-10, 20:17
Please don't google, it will only make you more scared & you don't need to be.

You will be fine, you are probably tired & stressed out, try to relax please x

28-04-10, 20:18
Yeah I know I think Google is what tooka small case of health anxiety and made it consume my life!

Vanilla Sky
28-04-10, 20:20
It's just a twitch caused by eye tirdness thats all , very common

28-04-10, 20:21
ohh yes, thanks to google I have had everything from heart failure to brain tumour but I am still fighting fit physically just be good to say the same mentally,lol
Must give google its positive side in that it did help me to understand the whole process when I was suffering with gallstones last year.

28-04-10, 20:24
I have MS most often but have also had brain tumor, periphial nueropathy, thyroid, breast lumps, clots, oral cancer, it has really done me in. Now I notice and OBSESS about every little sensation that my body has I have no idea how to stop.
I was in therapy and on zoloft was doing great! Lowered my zoloft was about to come off it and bam my skin felt weird and that jsut set is all off like crazy. Guess I am going to up it.

28-04-10, 21:31
my left eye has done this pretty consistently for 2-3 years now.

Rachel W
17-05-10, 00:37
I know this may be a little late as I only just saw the post but eyelid twitches is one of the most benign twitches one can have and most people do get them at some point or another. I had a twitch in my eye that lasted a few days, just a few months ago. It was uncomfortable, but nothing was wrong.

The only time twitching is ominous is if there is worsening weakness with them, and the twitching usually comes on later than the weakness. I had such a fear of MND/ALS that I was twitching all over but got all the tests which came back completely normal.

Please try not to worry, you are fine.


17-05-10, 00:54
These are usually called Blepharospasm. I've been having it on and off for a few years now. It's completely harmless, and it happens to a lot of people. Triggers are stress, lack of sleep, caffeine, anxiety mainly. Sometimes benzos help with it as well since they have a calming effect on your nervous system. It used to bother me as well, but it really is harmless. I noticed even on youtube tons of people have put up videos of this happening to them.

17-05-10, 01:13
I have been have an eye twitch for the past 2 weeks. It comes and goes (maybe 10 times a day or more). As you know I'm terrified I have MS too and this added symptom kinda sent me over the edge this week cuz like you I googled it and MS came up again!!! It's probably the stress and anxiety we're going through. It's a viscious circle, the more anxiety you have the more the symptoms and theh more anxious you get! I've been lightheaded lately and have had the eye twitch and worked myself into a nervous frenzy thinking I have MS. The thing is I'm even too scared to go to my doctor!!