View Full Version : Pvc's and pregnancy

28-04-10, 21:24
Hello all, I have been dealing with health anxiety for 2 years now. My big fear is my heart! I have occasional pvc's and I want to have another baby. Im just wondering if anyone out there has gone through pregnancy with pvc's, Heck im wondering if anyone has gone through pregnancy with health anxiety and how you have managed. I know pregnancy puts extra stress on the heart so that is why im nervous about the pvc's during pregnancy. Can people have these for years and everything is fine? Please I would love to hear if anyone has gone through pregnancy with pvc's or health anxiety. Thanks to all:)


28-04-10, 21:43
Hi Kelly,

I am 31 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and have health anxiety. I got it after I had my first child. My first fear was my heart. Am sorry but dint know what pvc's are. My heart would jump, flutter and miss beats. Would also run really fast and notting I could do would stop it. Went for lots of ecg's including a 24 hour one and an echocardiogram which all came back ok.

I have been doing fine with this pregnancy up until I was 28 weeks and something triggered it off again. Probably not as bad as when I was worrying about my heart. Having good days and bad at the moment.
Not sure if it is hormone related but like I say it's only been the last few weeks I have started thinking about my health again.

Not sure if that helps. Best of luck x

28-04-10, 22:22
Hello!! Just to let u know that I have health anxiety which has lasted for almost two years and has now resulted in GAD I think. It all started when I was 4 weeks pregnant and got worse once I had my gorgeous son. I did experience a few heart palpitations and I often get a racing heart and feel anxious when I don't really feel consciously anxious! But my main obsession was with my head was terrified of getting an anuresym etc and now I'm just anxious about being anxious. I'll be trying for a second baby after my wedding in November but I'm terrified that my anxiety will have a negative effect on this. Many congrats on your pregnancy and I'm sure it will be a happy and healthy one!!

28-04-10, 22:30
Sorry Kelly I got the two first posts mixed up I thought u were already pregnant. Do u already have a child? I really really want to try for another baby in November and iv wrote posts on here before about my worries. I'm currently undergoing CBT and I tell my therapist that I just can't believe that my body is fine after two years of 24/7 anxiety I just can't believe it and that's why I haven't yet recovered!! Feel free to PM whenever you like xxxx

28-04-10, 23:28
Yes I already have children, my health anxiety started after my last. I know I will get pregnant because I really want another but I just don't know how I will cope with being pregnant.

29-04-10, 04:15
Im sorry your going through this but congrats on your pregnancy! sending lots of good pregnancy vibes your way :) Also I didnt realize how many of us women develop health anxiety after we have babies

29-04-10, 08:56
I had waited all my life to be pregnant and it should have been one of the most enjoyable proudest periods of my life but it was just ruined by my anxiety. I still went about everyday and looked pretty normal from the outside but I was just desperate to have my baby so that I could see that my anxiety had done him no harm. Despite 24/7 anxiety for 9 months o had no complications or risks and had a fantastic birth! You will be fine I'm very sure, it's hard work but just having anxiety on it's own is hard work!! It's all worth it when you get to see your little one at the end. I'm really hoping to get over my anxiety by November but I just don't think it's possible. We develop anxiety after having children because we ate wonderful caring people who have so much love within us. XXXXXXX

29-04-10, 22:33
Hey ladies, just wanted to add to this as I have a 4 month old daughter and I have found my anxiety has kicked off again since having her. Ahving a child adds a new dimension to HA for me, because it is not just myself I am worried about, it is the thought of not being around for her. I actually found my anxiety was pretty OK during pregnancy. I worried a lot about the pregnancy and whether it would all be OK, but I managed to rationalise things most of the time. It is only since she has been born that I have been worried about my own health obsessively again and worried that something will happen that will mean I can't be around for her. One thing I really don't want is for her to pick up on my anxiety, I think I partly got mine from my parents and I don't want the same thing to happen to her. Right now she seems like such a happy and relaxed little soul and I just want her to stay that way!

24-07-10, 21:04
Cattia - Snap!