View Full Version : Do you get ectopics everyday?????

28-04-10, 22:08
hi all :huh:

does anyone get ectopics every day and sometimes on and off all day long, ive been good for a few weeks but the last 3 days its been hell ive been getting big thumping ones all the time :(

ive just had a period dont know if that has anything to do with it all i do know is its scaring me silly and ive had my heart checked and its plum according to the cardiologist but hey ho im here frightened and very fed up.

28-04-10, 22:29
Hope this doesn't depress you but I was in my early 20's when my ectopics started and I am now 48 yrs old and have had them every day inbetween! How much they affect me varies enormously but I can say that even on my best days I notice them a few times but at their worst every 3rd beat is an ectopic and that is horrible.
I have had a 24hr ecg every 5 years so thats quite alot also had echo of heart and been observed in hospital 24/7 for 4 days and told like you that they are harmless but unpleasant.
some things I found out along the way - anxiety alcohol and caffeine do have some effect- lack of potassium has a huge efffect for me - i had some terrible years with these ectopics and finally one Dr said my potassium levels were bordeline low and in some people a reading below 4.2 can trigger ectopics and since i have increased my banana intake! I haven't been as bad as those terrible years where I had them constantly for months on end.
The more you worry the more you will get them - cardiologist told me that loads of people have them all the time but the only people to notice them are people withe xtreme anxiety.

29-04-10, 12:55
thank you for the reply countrygirl, my potassium levels seem to be fibe but i am low on calcium, i am obese which really doesnt help and i think part of all this is im starting to realise that i cant keep going on the way i am and i have to do something about it, its just so scary tho cos i get so down and depressed with these extra heartbeats and when im like that i look for comfort and sadly to me comfort is food which doesnt help - i need to break the vicious circle im in to get anywhere.
The cardiologist said the same to be he checked my pulse whilst talking to me and said i had 3 or 4 that i hadnt even felt, i just hate how im fine for a couple of weeks then bang theyre back and i am instantly down and scared xxxxx

01-05-10, 10:48
Normal for me too! Have a read through some of the old posts, i am positive it will bring some much needed relief for you! It helped me alot.........i actually have had months without noticing any at all thanks to the links and posts on here! They are most certainly brought on by an over active adrenaline system as well as just simply thinking about them!
You'll be fine, find a good distraction and learn to accept they are a harmless symptom of your anxiety.


01-05-10, 12:53
I have around 20 a day. They all feel different. I've had this for 9 years now

01-05-10, 17:46
Yes I get them everyday too, on a good day I may have less than ten, on a bad day literally dozens. You are not alone, I know that is not all that much consolation because they are horrible to experience first hand. Take encouragement from your Cardiologists report - these things are benign and you are in no danger, anxiety makes them much worse. Best wishes x

01-05-10, 19:51
yes every day for 10 months now.

Something happened today to make me think though.

I have been getting them about 20 - 30 times a day but lightly and more if I lean forward or lean on my left side. So they have been manageable..or at least not so scary. Then today I was telling someone about them and explaining the fluttery ones. This made me remember some of those fluttery one's I've had with the long pause after. Remembering that made me have a mini panic and since then, all this afternoon they have been worse.

My point is, are they worse because I panicked? So I would say to you, if they have been okay for a while and then the last 3 days they are worse....could it be that something more stressful happened just before?

03-05-10, 22:10
thanks guys ive been thru a tough couple of months lost my job beginning of march have now started another one in the last 2 weeks money has been tight and my oldest daughter has moved back home with her baby boy .. also my husband suffers from cluster headaches and he is due a bout of them soon and lastly his dad has alzheimers not sure how u spell it so i guess stress wise im right up there with the best but im just wondering if im having delayed stress cos all the time i was jobless they were never this bad only now im working and earning again and making things better have they come on strong.
do any of u ever lie in bed at night listening to your heartbeat against the pillow and hear it stop and start .. i do .. im overweight and have old fashioned steep stairs consequently when i go to bed at night im out of breath when i get into bed so my heart is thundering and then during it thundering it will skip and then start up again, now that is scary.
also another thing ( u can tell by now im really having a bad time ) .. sometimes just sitting down for no reason ill suddenly hear my heart beating in my ears and my ears feel weird, is that normal?
thanks for any answers i get cos u lot make me feel better xxx