View Full Version : Advie please, ive had a long day

28-04-10, 22:59
Hi Everyone,

I was up at 5.30am today and travelled a mix of 8 hours on train & bus. Then i had a 7 hour drive home. i just got home at 10pm
When i got out the car my legs were awfy wobbly and im now lightheaded. Ive had 2 muslei bar type things in the morning and i had a sandwich and bag of crisps with a bottle of juice in the afternoon.
Im also thinking ive given myself dvt for sitting so long as my legs are sore
I was tired but now im wide awake and on the verge of panic....surely evryone has a long day like that now and again but dont feel like this when they get home! :weep:

help please

29-04-10, 01:35
Hi, I would think that is very normal after having driven solidly 7 hours non stop, its just the change in position of your body and the stresses and strains of the day.