View Full Version : Lingering symptoms?

25-01-06, 02:39
I had my first panic attack with no trigger this last Sunday (the 22nd), and it was horrid. I recognized what was going on, but could not calm down for more than about a minute, even when I had friends and family to distract me from what was going on. I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest or explode, I felt dizzy, nauseated, and I believe I almost fainted. I was hyperventilating and felt like I was dying. I even told my sister to take me to the hospital, even though I have an aversion to hospitals and doctors. I truly thought I was dying near the end. I thought that panic attacks only lasted for somethig like fifteen minutes, but mine went on for an hour and a half or more, I'm not sure. I ended up having to leave my university and go back home for a day.

I was wondering, is it normal for some symptoms to linger on after the attack, even if you aren't as anxious? I know I'm still feeling anxiety, but I'm not panicking. I'm still having trouble breathing and I'm very dizzy. I'm also now unable to sleep very much despite being absolutely exhausted. I have been crying on and off since it happened, and I'm afraid I'll have one again and have to leave school.

25-01-06, 10:50
hi there...
panic attacks do happen just out of the blue...without any apparent trigger...
they can also last some time... i know mine do and yes the symptoms do stay around i also feel exhausted usually the next day after having an attack...
but hang on in there it does get better and easier to control.
sorry thats not much help but just wanted to reasure you that you are not alone... there are other posts on the subject of symptoms and im sure someone will post them up for you to read... (im not that clever)
take care

25-01-06, 11:59
Hi Kalin,

I think it is quite normal to have lingering anxiety after a panis attack, especially if you feel it has come "out of the blue".
I thknk you start worrying that it may happen again and so this keeps you on alert.
Panic and anxiety is quite draining and uses up alot of energy so it's likely you will still feel delicate after one.
It's good that you have recognised it so early. Try to ignore the symptoms as much as possible. Take it easy for a little bit but do carry on doing what you do. You are in prime position because you can deal with it early and take away the fuel it feeds on. It feeds on fear of all kind. When sensitised after an attack I found that the smallest thing could trigger anxious feelings.
Have a look around here and educate yourself as much as possible. The sooner you deal with it the better.

You sound like you are of the right mind to nip it in the bud.

All the best,
Trev :D

25-01-06, 12:06

I've never had a panic that lasted just 15 mins. It was also the buildup and the after effects that are so hard to work out and deal with.

Its normal to be entirely emotional for a while afterwards and to be clingy and tearful.

Read through the links posted on your introduction thread and you will learn much more about the disorder and how to go about helping yourself .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-01-06, 02:35
I can totally relate. My attacks last for so long, and everytime i have them they are different, with different symptoms... if each attack were exactely the same im sure i would have gotten over them. But dont worry, it cant hurt you... no matter how much you think your going to die. So many times ive wanted to go to AandE because i was so so so certain i was dying and i still get it. But hang in there... let it come and let it pass, it doesn't matter what your doing nothing bad will ever happen its just upsetting. Ive had anxiety that lasts days and days and i hate it, but you just have to battle through as best as you can its the only way

Never say never, opps said it twice..

31-01-06, 10:43
Hi there Kalin and welcome to NMP
There are alot of wonderful people here and endless amounts of information to be had.

I can relate to the length of the attack you had, at times I had attacks that lasted what felt like and entire day the after affects sometimes were worse than the attacks.

I wish you all the best
