View Full Version : what is this?

29-04-10, 00:14
Here we go again …
Being doing great, on a scale of 1 to 10 I am about an 8.5 these days. I have now been able to think rationally and things that used to work me up don’t seem to do this any more! Yay.
YET I have been having a few funny feelings, which I would like some feedback on, I am actually not freaking out about it but my mind is still constantly thinking about it, hence the 1.5 % left to feel better is still there, which all has to do with my thinking methods, haven’t mastered that part yet.
1. Have back pain, in the left shoulder blade which I KNOW is muscular as I have been seeing my physio, I am OK with this as I know how to manage it but just trying to understand if the next two symptoms are related to this OR if it could be something else?
2. Discomfort that is felt around the left area in my lower back, best way to describe the place is the kidney type area or the love handle area, not painful but just a feeling that can feel achy sometimes or just discomfort.
3. Left side of rib cage, towards the centre more underneath the breast area, again can be achy and just a discomfort.
4. Feeling nauseous a little, mainly in the morning (no not pregnant I can confirm this J)

Because I am not freaking out about this I am not really wanting to go to the docs because to be honest these days I just don’t know what is real anymore or what is anxiety.
Has anyone got any feedback or words of wisdom to help me understand what this may be a little better?

Thanks heaps all!

30-04-10, 09:09
Anybody :( ??

30-04-10, 09:53
Hi Lauz

Well done for keeping calm about things.Wish I could!

With regards to your pain, are you wearing the correct size bra - the reason I ask is that I haven't been and have had similar sorts of pains, I am now and it is so much better.
Also my husband had a similar pain where kidneys are he went to the doc who said it was nothing to worry about. Dont know what it was though.

Hope this helps a little
