View Full Version : Weird Moments

29-04-10, 07:00
Hey guys,

I thought i was going really well with my anxiety over my heart and and blood pressure and everything else that anxiety makes you believe you have. I have started work this week and seem to be really struggling though, I cannot escape the thought of something is wrong with my body and its only a matter of time until i collapse. To make matters worse I am a nurse and see many patients trully suffering and then I believe that i may have the same problem. Today I thought i had diabetes and was testing my blood sugar all day and not proving anything apart from the fact I am losing the plot. I have moments during the day where I am good, and then all of a sudden a symptom appears like lightheaded, nausea, heart flutters or just the feeling of something wrong. I hate feeling like this and am working hard to get rid of it, but I just cant stop believing something is wrong and its not just anxiety. I have bloodshot eyes all the time and I always look in the mirror and believe they are signalling ill health.....ahhhh i just want to move on!

29-04-10, 07:47
hi if its any consolation im going thru something similar, i started a new job last week and everything is good with the job but i too am going thru a bad phase with ectopic heartbeats and that horrible feeling that something isnt right, chest pains, heart pains u name it im getting it.
At the moment im taking each day as it comes, cant really do anything else other than that. Its pointless to go back to the doctor and say i think something is wrong, i have been through so many tests like many people and they dont find anything, it really is anxiety playing its crappy game with you and i think we need to learn to turn round and say you know what im not playing today!!!
i hope you feel better like i hope i feel better soon, i just keep thinking i cant be like this every day of my life so now im just waiting for this latest phase to pass. xx