View Full Version : Help Me! Bladder Problems

29-04-10, 07:26
Well its been a while since Ive posted on here. Ive been doing really well recently. However last week I started with this 'funny feeling' just above my 'bits' - not a pain just a funny feeling.

Anyway ive felt the need to go to for a wee quite a bit, sometimes I can go and itll be completely normal, other times I can go and just produce a dribbble! (Sorry to be so detailed). It doesnt hurt to pass urine and there is no blood present when I go. Went to the Dr's last week and he had a good feel round my abdomen and pelvis and felt no lumps or bumps. I was prescribed 3 days of antibiotics from Friday to Sunday. By Sunday my 'urges' to go had gone completely. However its started again now and Ive done the worst thing a 'Googled' my symptoms and the results you get arent half worrying - bladder cancer, prostate cancer etc etc.

Ive been assured by numerous people its just a bladder infection and that I need to drink lots of Cranberry juice, but as always Im thinking its something a lot more sinister.

Has anyone else has similar things to this? Also can anxiety and stress affect your bladder?

Sorry, I know this isnt the nicest subject to be discussing! But we all need to wee!

Cheers guys

29-04-10, 11:25
Jono, Bladder & Kidney cancer you would have blood in your urine, even occult which is not vissible to the eye. Did your GP do a urine test? This would have shown trace of blood, infection or anything else. You may have an prostatitis which is no serious and cured by antibiotics and is quite common younger to middle age - not sure how old you are!

I have had what you now have since Xmas and went to a urologist 3 weeks back. Had an ultrasound of kids & bladder, bladder tumour marker test and prostrate tested, all ok though again I had a trace of blood and my bladder was in spasm. this was sent to the hospital and all ok.

29-04-10, 12:57
Thank you. I feel so stupid. I only need to get the slightest niggle somewhere Ive never had a niggle before and I just instantly go into panic mode and it annoys me if anything else and I get mad with myself for worrying