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View Full Version : Shaky hands, weakness, lightheaded & sudden urge to eat

29-04-10, 08:31
Hi i have episodes of shaky hands, overall weakness, funny feeling all over like i'm gonna faint, and a sudden need to eat something, perhaps something with sugar in it. blood tests never showed i had diabetes or hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. I usually feel better 10 mins after i stuff myself with lots of food, the urge is to eat lots. I get it 2x a week for a few months now.

Had anyone else had this feeling? Could the blood tests have missed a blood sugar problem or can this be an anxiety problem? I don't understand how it can though. Is it a mental thing? I wasn't anxious at the time i get this and i ate breaky and lunch, this happened 2 hrs after lunch.

Pls help.

29-04-10, 10:08
i get it all the time,like your blood sugar plummets,i think its just adrenaline.i got normal test results(many)...nothing to worry about.

29-04-10, 10:12
thanks for your reply. can you pls explain to me how adrenaline can cause this and what is the best to way to alleviate it quickly?

29-04-10, 13:28
I get this a lot and anxiety makes it worse for some reason, it seems to affect my blood sugar but if I have my blood sugar read it is always good so I think it is just that perhaps your metabolism speeds up when you are anxious or stressed and burns of energy very quickly, giving you a sudden dip. I have always suffered from this problem and find it much much worse around the time of my period so there could also be a hormal element. You need to try to eat slow buring carbs, things like oats, banana, brown bread and pasta etc. Sugary foods will temporarily stop the problem but then you burn them off very fast so the same thing will happen again in a couple of hours time. I find that carrying cereal bars around helps me, if I start to feel woozy I eat one and also make sure you drink plenty, that should help. Don't worry though, this is really quite common. Are you under weight at all? I think skinny people tend to suffer this too as their metabolism is fast (I am a little underweight and the thinner I am the more I have this problem).

04-05-10, 15:22
Hi i have episodes of shaky hands, overall weakness, funny feeling all over like i'm gonna faint, and a sudden need to eat something, perhaps something with sugar in it. blood tests never showed i had diabetes or hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. I usually feel better 10 mins after i stuff myself with lots of food, the urge is to eat lots. I get it 2x a week for a few months now.

Had anyone else had this feeling? Could the blood tests have missed a blood sugar problem or can this be an anxiety problem? I don't understand how it can though. Is it a mental thing? I wasn't anxious at the time i get this and i ate breaky and lunch, this happened 2 hrs after lunch.

Pls help.

Hey, I was wondering how this was going for you? I am having problems with exactly the same symptoms. I used to have this rarely when I was younger and I've always had these 'attacks' a couple of times a month. Now however, possibly due to exam stress I'm struggling daily with them.

I just don't understand how to stop them, It will often start with feeling lightheaded and my breathing will seem out of sync like I need to take in a lot of air. I can control them now with concentration but if I let them get out of control it gets worse, I feel more shaky, sweaty, weak, dizzy, like I'm going to faint (I never do) before it ends with hunger.

I just don't know what to do and whether this is anxiety or something scary! I hate going to the doctor but I'm close to.

Recently I even started trying to 'reproduce' the symptoms to make sure it was anxiety. Basically I tried to hyperventilate but couldn't bring an attack on, which then made me terrified it wasn't anxiety and something bad!

28-11-11, 15:36
Hi "thundersnow"

I am curious to know what you were diagnosed after you got yourself checked to a doctor (You wrote that u r close to perhaps seeing a doctor).
Thanks & good luck.

28-11-11, 17:14
I get this to and blood tests have been clear I have had it for about 10 years, it doesn't happen often but when it does it's scary. I was at work once and it happened the only thing edible was some cocoa powder so I began eating spoons of that just to make me feel normal. It's weird I thought it was down to being hungry but then when I am bad with my ha I go days without really eating and don't get it. It's nice to know I am not the only one x

28-11-11, 22:26
It happens when blood sugar drops.

29-11-11, 03:07
You need to try to eat slow buring carbs, things like oats, banana, brown bread and pasta etc. Sugary foods will temporarily stop the problem but then you burn them off very fast so the same thing will happen again in a couple of hours time. I find that carrying cereal bars around helps me, if I start to feel woozy I eat one and also make sure you drink plenty, that should help.

23-04-13, 23:19
I just found this site as I was looking for these same symptoms. I recently have had the same weakness, shakiness, HUNGAR!!!!! I had blood test done at the Dr. office and everything was "normal". what I am wondering is...has anyone of you ever tested yourself with a home testing kit at the time of the attacks for low sugar?? I am wondering if it may not show up unless you are in a full blown attack. These are very dibilatating and scarey. I am going to dr. again tomorrow to discuss this more. If I learn anything, I'll be posting on here.

19-09-16, 22:49
Hi all......Im 59 (male) and just joined the Forum. I occasionally suffer these exact same symptoms. Although this happens to me maybe only a few times each year, they are still scary an debilitating , though only for short periods. I shake mainly in hands, sweat lightly BUT have this overwhelming HUNGER and weakness. Has anyone yet received a definitive diagnosis?? Kiaora fron NZ.

02-10-17, 13:46
Hi all! I've just joined and hope someone is still reading this thread as I see the previous post was a long time ago!

I don't suffer at all from panic attacks and was directed here when I searched on 'trembling and sweating attacks' because that's what I get. Sometimes they will come when I've been doing something extra strenuous (like heavy digging in the garden), sometimes when I've been rushing around and sometimes for no apparent reason at all. Like other posters here, I've mentioned these attacks to my GP but all my tests are normal. BP is slightly elevated but controlled by medication.

What I find is that if I don't notice in time and sit down/rest straight away, the shaking and sweating get worse and worse. Eventually I end up with perspiration pouring off me and it is as this point that the trembling dies down. Sitting down for half an hour or so with a cup of tea and something sweet will bring me back to normal, but I'd obviously prefer these attacks not to happen!

If I do realise early on that one of these is starting, I stop whatever I'm doing and sit down for a while, if possible. I'm getting better at recognising the early signs, which helps.

Something I have had for years without any problems is an occasional extra systole (ectopic heart beat) and wondering now if this is connected. At my age (76) I guess anything like that might have more effect than it did when I was younger.

I'll be interested to see if there are any replies to this.

02-04-18, 07:43
Has anyone gotten a diagnosis for these symptoms? My mother experiences these episodes very often and we've gone to almosy every kind of Doctor and are still seeking answers. Please help if you can. Thank you all so much.

- Omar