View Full Version : weirdest symptom yet , absolutely terrified i'm dying :-(

29-04-10, 08:49
so i haven't slept . my body clock is so messed up . tried to nod off about half an hour ago but started to feel really jittery and was seeing really vivid images as i was falling asleep , i am used to this though and have tried my best to just work through them .
as i'm falling asleep i get 'fainting' sensations , like i'm feeling really whoozy which is weird considering i'm in bed and don't understand how my blood pressure can decrease if i'm laying perfectly still ?!

anyway as i was drifting i jerked awake and as i opened my eyes i saw a large red (what looked like) blood circle in my right eye , it lasted for a moment and then went .

i'm currently very anxious about this as immediately i thought something had burst in my brain and i was about to die , now i feel really nauseous , like i need to go to the toilet , i'm getting pains in my head and my eyes are going crazy .

i've been doing so so so well i don't want to take a step backwards but now i'm genuinely terrified something might be seriously wrong , what happens if a blood vessel has burst somewhere ?! and i might be about to drop dead .

how do i know it isn't for real this time ?! :weep:

29-04-10, 10:06
:)it isnt something serious - you havent slept! i get the vivid images - i was told by a psychologist they are sleep hallucinations - completely harmless and normal - i was glad to know this - as id worried i was going slowly mad! - many have had numerous nights without sleep on here due to anx - eventually you will sleep - try not to worry - you will be okay - you have to try to ignore all the crazy thoughts - thats all they are - i know its easier said than done - ive been there and it took me years - but if you keep ignoring them and calm and reassure yourself - you will eventually stop scaring yourself - and you will gain some persepective - you are okay:)

29-04-10, 14:26
I get a fainting sensation before I go to sleep sometimes also hear rushing noises in head sometimes and thought uh oh aneysm but in truth u wouldn't know what hit u if it happened, try to stay calm and over stimulated nervous system takes time to wind down