View Full Version : DVT after surgery.

29-04-10, 11:40
Lying in my bed yesterday 5 days after having surgery on my knee and i was breathless, heart was racing (sounds like panic doesn't it, well it wasn't!!!!!), felt exhausted. Getting up to the loo would make me so tired.

After feeling crappy all day i knew something was wrong so off to A & E i went.

6 hours later and after a whole load of horrid tests (including taking blood from a vein in my wrist) - i was put on a drug for DVT. I have got to INJECT MYSELF with this stuff every night. Not happy really, saying that - don't feel quite as tired and breathless as i did yesterday.

I am so scared that the clot will move and kill me :(
Scary stuff...
TRYING not to panic though.

Vanilla Sky
29-04-10, 13:16
You got help and you will be fine , you have all the necessary drugs for clots. Did you feel sort of different from your usual panic that you knew something was wrong ?