View Full Version : really need help

29-04-10, 12:48
sorry to put sucha dramatic title to this but ive managed to not post on here for a while and its scaring me that im starting to panic again.
i have a small red bump at the top of my leg (kind of where your knicker elastic sits) and its really hurting. feels like a ache kind of pain. stupidly i looked on google (NHS direct) and it came up with pain in pelvis as ovarian cancer and now im worrying. suddenly feel bloated (another symptom apparently) and sick with aches all over. help :wacko:

29-04-10, 12:57
Hi Katy,

Sadly google and other sites tend to give the worst case scenario to cover themselves but I would say 9 times out of 10 it isn't the worst case scenario. This small red bump could be a number of things, if it is where you may a have pubic hair then it could be a ingrown hair, this does cause the effected area to be red and sore. Or because of where it is it could be a spot, everyone gets them due to the nature of where it is. If it carries on then sure go to the dr or ring up the nhs but I think within a few days it will be gone,

Laura xxx

29-04-10, 16:41
A small red bump on your skin would not be an indication of ovarian cancer - it is an internal disease with internal symptoms. Nothing would be showing up on the outside.