View Full Version : mirena coil

29-04-10, 13:39
hi has anyone with period problems had the mirena coil fitted and if yes how is it for you thanks

29-04-10, 13:57
Hi, I just wondered what does it actually do? is it used to regulate periods as well as contraception?

29-04-10, 15:08
hi bronte,

i had it fitted in october, after having period trouble for allmost a year, they were very erractic, lasted from bleeding a few days to bleeding for months on end, all pretty yucky. anyway, had a hysteroscopy and biopsy of the womb lining in june 09, and the results were a hormone imbalance, i am in my early 40s and this is quite common when you get to around this age.
As i said, i had the mirena fitted in october, which puts the progesterone which i am lacking straight to the womb lining where it is needed, and it releases it slowly., it also acts as a contraceptive too. since then things have settled down a lot, and bleeding is minimal, so glad i had it done now, although i was very scared, and anxious about the initial problem and procedures, but actually it wasnt as bad as i anticiapated.
i hope this helps you, any other questions i can help with, please feel free to pm me

best wishes

P x :flowers:

29-04-10, 15:43
I had one fitted because of heavy menstrual bleeding ..I was tested for fibroids as they thought it was that .I luckily didnt have them .Once it settled down i never had another period to this day .Apparently this is the case for some . I wish id had one fitted years before .The procedure was quick and only caused a bit of cramping .Then I had a week of light bleeding .I cannot reccomend it highly enough .. luv Sue xx

29-04-10, 16:45
hi there.. i had the mirena coil fiited about 7 years ago. in fact iv had it changed as it only last 5 years. i had it fitted cos i suffered from endometriosis. and have to say it was the best thing ever. i haventbut had a period since it was fiited, and also helped with breast tenderness, and also pmt.. only negative thing, was that it did make me put on some weight, but can cope with that.. i hope ypu feel the benifits soon.. luve sue

margaret jones
29-04-10, 17:08
Not me but my Daughter and she says best thing she has had done just had her 2nd one fitted last mnth she had enometritis and suffered very heavy periods ( all gone )


29-04-10, 17:18
My Mum had one fitted 7 years ago (still got the same one in) and her's was fitted for heavy periods. Since then she's not had a single period, ocassional period pain when you should be due on but no period. She knows she should get it taken out but while it's still working not letting anyone remove it as at 52 she knows it's probably helped or is helping her with the menopause

Vanilla Sky
29-04-10, 21:57
I am the same , got one fitted 5 ears ago , best thing i ever did , periods, what periods , don't get them anymore... brilliant and no side effects :)

30-04-10, 01:07
I don't know about the Mirena Coil, although I am away to read up on it, why does it stop periods?

30-04-10, 11:25
thankyou so much ladies for your replies they have really helped me make a decision i am booked in to have the coil put in next month and cant wait thanks again :D