View Full Version : How long will these symptoms last?

29-04-10, 14:38
Hi, I only joined this website this week. I can't find any information on how long anxiety symptoms might last. I am not even sure I have anxiety but I think I do, headaches in temples and consistent lightheadedness and some palpitations for the last three weeks now. I am trying to stay calm about them but I am getting a little impatient, how long do these symptoms usually last?

29-04-10, 14:41
Hi vw

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-04-10, 15:37
it depends ,, the more we fight them the longer they can last,, the best thing to do ,,is except it and it tends to calm down

29-04-10, 15:49
Hi & welcome to NMP

I agree with what gypsywoman said, the more you fight them the longer they last.
You need to try to find your own coping mechanism for when you start to feel like this, I tend to go on the computer & play games or if I can we will go for a drive so that I am looking at different things, my mum does Sudoku, every one has something different, just find something that you enjoy & try not to worry as horrible as the feelings are they will soon settle & they won't harm you. x