View Full Version : can this all be anxiety?

29-04-10, 14:40
I have got a dull ache in my left breast area and sometimes under my left armpit and left shoulder and also in the left of my back.I also feel agitated,feel clammy,feel weird like not myself,dizzy and also burping alot.I keep thinking breast cancer,stomach cancer,heart problems etc.
I have suffered from health anxiety before but everytime it comes back i say " i feel different this time"
Can it still be anxiety as i havent had the left sided breast pain etc before?

29-04-10, 14:47
If it's any consolation at all i get terrible aches and pains all in the left side of my back/chest/breast/jaw and arm! I've been told my heart is fine though so after 6 weeks I'm starting to feel pretty confident its not and it really is my muscles hurting due to anxiety. The weird feeling and dizziness comes with the anx as well cuz I get like that too! Hope this helped and you start feeling beter soon xx

29-04-10, 20:51
I get exactly the same symptoms, I saw the doctor 2 days ago and he took my blood pressure etc to help put my mind at rest, everything was fine and for about 24 hours I felt on top of the world. Of course the relief never lasts and now I am worried as he weighed me and I have lost 2 stone and I haven't even been trying!

30-04-10, 01:36
Thank you so much for posting this!! I have been having the exact same thing!! It's a faint ach in my left breast sometimes my armpit and the left upper side of my back. It's almost like I feel the ache through my back, like it's coming from the front but I can fee it through my back. It com,es and goes and it seems to be there when Im thinking of it. Like today I was getting ready to power walk and I always have a little fear about my heart(I have pvc's) so I felt it as soon as I was going out the door. Now I am convinced im doing it to myself!