View Full Version : in need of urgent advice today

29-04-10, 14:41
hi there, this is my first post ever. I have been reading all of your posts for a number of months. Basically had PND 2 years ago, was on fluoxetine and finally got better. If i'm honest i dont think i ever properly recovered. 3 months ago was put on 50 then 100mg sertraline. stuck the awful side effects out and felt wonderful. Thing is i had horrific jaw and teeth pain and hissing in ears got too loud. I was weaned off them over 2 weeks and have now been on paroxetine 10mg for just under a week. Today i feel so low i was ready to call it a day, But managed to get to the dr in floods of tears in front of every one and was so embarrassed at crying non stop. She has called the crisis team and gave me 5 mg diazepam and wants me back on sertraline, hopefully later today. That was 9am, now it is 2.30 pm, i'm still crying, feel like poo and no contact from any professional. Please tell me things will improve? Thanks for allowing me to ramble on. Davena:blush:

29-04-10, 14:43
Hi daisychain37

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-04-10, 15:54
Hi there.
I ama 45 year old male and have had severe panic attack symptoms for some time now but am worried it may be something more serious. i am on anti d called mirtazipin 30mg daily. and i also have diazapam 2 mg to be taken as and when i feel the attacks are worse. ( this can happen at any time night or day ). but is it normal to get light headed chest pain and shortness of breath without any trigger even when i am in bed asleep it happens too. i have seen my gp and had heart monitors ect and all came back clear but the symptoms still persist. are these panic attacks or something else please help.

29-04-10, 16:04
Hi & welcome to NMP
I am a panic attack sufferer & I am currently on Fluoxetine for the 2nd time, I have previously tried Paroxetine & Citalopram but both did not agree with me & I had some horrible side effects.
How did you get on with the Fluoxetine the first time round, could you not try them again as you said you reacted badly to the Sertraline.
I know it's hard but they do take a few weeks to get into your system to feel any benefits but I promise you will begin to feel better soon.
As I said I had been on 20mg Fluoxetine before very happily, this time around I need 40mg as the lower dose did nothing for me.
I really hope that you get some help from the crisis team asap, give the Diazepam a go, at least try to get some relief & relaxation.
Huge virtual hugs to you xx

Tangerine Man
29-04-10, 21:48
Hi Davena and welcome,
Stick with us we have all been there and with support you can get better, day by day, it just takes time and a lot of courage.
Good luck and virtual hugs

29-04-10, 22:57
Can i thank you all for your replies, what a lovely group of people you all are. Asfor fluoxetine,i had night sweats and awful drunken feeling in the night, so didnt agree with me at all, even though it did make me better last time around. I loved sertraline (after major side effects) but the jaw ache got too bad after 3 months, but in myself i felt ace! They changed my meds to paroxatine. I went from 100mg daily to 50mg a day for a week then 50mg every other day for a week then onto paroxatine 10mg for the last 4 days. I have become snappy, irratable and really emotional. (didnt have emotion on sertraline and it was nice). But the worst thing is i feel suicidal at times.
Anyway, crisis team finally came out and were fantastic, i begged not to be sectioned and sat in tears the whole time they were here. They have offered me time out in a hostel for 5 days for a bit of peace (not sectioned) but will visit me daily and help sort out my meds so i feel better.
Once again, thankyou x

Going home
29-04-10, 23:02
Daisy stay in touch and when you can, let us know how you are :flowers:

Anna xxx

30-04-10, 13:43
Hi all, well crisis team dr came out to me this morning whilst i am still in dressing gown and stink as i cant even be bothered to get dressed. Sat in tears yet again for the duration, and he has given me a script now to start citalopram 20mg. Hopefully i will feel a bit better soon. Already taken 1 paroxatine early this morning but told me to start these new ones straight away. has anyone else been on citalopram and how did they work for you?