View Full Version : help would be appreciated

29-04-10, 15:48
Just after some advice really.
I suffered from quite bad anxiety last year and it was really because I was quite isolated where I lived, didn’t like it, didn’t like my job etc. I started getting better after working really hard on stopping anxiety and then recently I moved away to a place I love, near my family, with a great job. I thought my anxiety had gone away.
About 2 weeks ago I started having a weird tugging pulling feeling in my heart area. Like a tickling feeling, I thought it was adrenaline because I was working from home and trying to reach a deadline, but it has been happening increasingly more and more common in the past 3 weeks, and not when I necessarily am stressed. It is hard to describe, like a non-painful ‘ache’ kind of like the feeling you get when you are looking forward to something or in a hurry, its really weird to explain! Like the heart muscle is stretching or something, or burning –not in an indigestiony way!
Since then I started worrying about it and with it, I am finding it hard to breathe, feeling dizzy clogged up mentally etc. I can’t remember if this is how my original anxiety felt, but I defo did not have this tickling chest sensation ever before. I am not sure if it is just stress from moving, new job, and fact I got married few months ago, and been a bit unsettled due to all these factors. I just want some reassurance as to if anyone else has had these feelings, I have the perfect life now but these feelings are getting in the way of enjoying it and its bringing me down. I thought this was all over as I took steps to resolve it…that is why i started this new life....
Help would be appreciated.

Veronica H
29-04-10, 17:27
:bighug1:congratulations on making such a difference to your life. Your nerves may be becoming sensitised again but this happens to everyone from time to time. You have managed the anxiety before and will do so again if this turns out to be the case. I would see your Doctor for reassurance. This could be something as simple as a pulled muscle so please don't read too much into this, as it is fear of the way you are feeling which keeps the nerves sensitised.


30-04-10, 02:42
hi :)

i know the EXACT feeling you are talking about. i found this to be the last symptom to go after recovering from my GAD, try not to worry too much about it, if it's the same as what i had then it is no way serious and just a simple side effect of stress/anxiety.

good luck :)