View Full Version : Confused!

29-04-10, 15:59
i have suffered from depression for around 8 months since i have been in several armed robberies.i have also been diagnosed with anxiety and PTSD and was put on citalopram in January 2010. i went up to 40mg however wasnt feeling any better or any difference at all so was gradually reduced off them by my doctor and finished my final one a week ago. since then i havent felt any different mood wise...however i have been feeling very spaced out and dizzy...it kinda feels like when you are quite drunk and get in bed and the rooms spinning and u feel sick...thats kinda how i feel!
i am confused as to whether these are normal side effects as i never had this when 1st taking the meds...plus its now been over a wk and i feel just as bad, if not worse!
also, i just dont no whether 2 try more different meds cos these didnt work so would something else?
any ideas would be very helpful! X

29-04-10, 16:17
sorry were you injured

29-04-10, 16:20
no wasnt injured and was kinda okay straight after them...but was threatened and pushed and its affected me now more than at the time

Miss Manic Panic
08-05-10, 21:23
Hi Emma,

You need to go back to your GP and ask for some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).Its now free on the NHS and should help with your PTSD.I had PTSD when a man chased me and flashed at me as a teenager ( sounds funny now but I was terrified).The symptoms your experiencing are completely normal for someone withdrawing from anti depressant meds like citalopram.I had a bad reaction to it and started shaking violently and hallucinating! You can try some natural remedies like St.Johns wort and 5HTP that are reportedly as good as antidepressants in alot of cases without the horrid side effects.

Good luck,you WILL recover xx

08-05-10, 22:20
Hello Emma, gosh I am so sorry. How were you involved, do you work in a bank. We see it so many times in films and tv but really don't think how it affects those involved! Im sorry the citalopram didn't work for you, it works well for some and not for others!
I hope you get the help you want! xxxx